You may have been told there is good evidence for the present theory of the solid/molten core in the Earth, but there really isn't. I may be missing some of this "indisputable evidence" or something, but all the scientists I've read have given less then impressive evidence. As one hollow earther put it:
"Scientists to date have penetrated only a few miles inside the earth, and what lies further down they know nothing about, depending only on conjectures, guesses and suppositions. Many of the commonly accepted theories and beliefs about the Earth's interior do not rest on any scientific basis, and seem to originate in the old ecclesiastical idea of hellfire in the center of the Earth, which is so much like the belief of scientists that the core of the Earth is a mass of fire and molten metal."
"The belief in the Earth having a fiery center probably arose from the fact that the deeper one penetrates into the Earth, the warmer it gets. But it is a far-fetched assumption to suppose that this increase of temperature continues until the center of the Earth. There is no evidence to support this view. It is more probable that the increase of temperature continues only until we reach the level where volcanic lava and earthquakes originate, probably due to the existence of much radioactive substances there. But after we pass through this layer of maximum heat, there is no reason why it should not get cooler and cooler as we get nearer and nearer to the Earth's center."
No doubt the invention of Satan, and his fiery underworld led to the thoughts of the center of the earth being it's location, (as I discussed further in my post: Are God and Satan really one and the same as some say. . .? Part 11) but Bible believers are actually getting away from what the Bible actually claims now. As with every other ancient world religion, the Bible speaks of an "underworld" in the earth. Don't believe me? Well, here's an example in Phil. 2:10 :
"That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth" (KJV)It is also translated:
"in order that in the Name of JESUS every knee should bow, of beings in Heaven, of those on the earth, and of those in the underworld".(Weymouth New Testament)
Or: "So that at the name of Jesus everyone in heaven, on earth, and in the world below will kneel." (GOD'S WORD® Translation)
That's not the only mention of that thought in the New Testament though, there's: "For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth." ( Mat 12:40)
Thayer's rendition of the Greek words for heart of or lower parts of the earth is, "used of the middle or central or inmost part of anything. . .." Jesus was buried in the tomb, but his soul went into the heart of the earth. . .
So if you are a Bible believing Christian, and are convinced that it is right, I hope you believe in the hollow earth theory, because it was definitely believed in the New testament at very least. There is also some evidence of it's belief in the Old testament as well though in Ps.139:15: "My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth." In other translations this is also translated "depths of the earth". Sometimes translated as "the pit", "the Abyss" or also Sheol, though as discussed in my post: The reality of Heaven and Hell in HISTORY! Part 9, there is no connection to an evil, fiery place of the dead until later, as this christian source admits to here and elsewhere.
"In the Old Testament abyssos [ Psalm 77:16 ; 78:15 ; 106:9 ; Isaiah 51:10 ; Amos 7:4 ), although in Psalm 71:20 , "the depths of the earth" are spoken of in a manner almost signifying death , abyssos [ἄβυσσος ] never translates Sheol , so in the Old Testament it never carries the idea of the realm of the dead or the afterlife."
So the depths of the earth, the pit, the Abyss or later Sheol was equated with the cradle of civilization. . . this brings us back to Eden. . .and back to my earlier theory of where I think the "lower" Eden is, that brought on this discussion of the hollow earth theory from my last post:
The garden being inside the inner earth (what was earlier called the "underworld") may not be a popular thought, but it is not an original either. In the old book about the hollow earth called "The smokey God," one of the earths inner cities was called "the cradle of civilization", and it's name was "Eden". Here's a little background though:
Who can bring up the hollow earth theory without a discussion of the most famous book on it as well though?! Here are some highlights:
The 1864 book "Journey to the center of the Earth" by Jules Verne was the first of the "fantasy" books about the Hollow earth theory. It is called a fantasy book now, but it is questionable whether or not it was meant to be. . .
We do know that some did believe the stories were real. Those in the 17th, 18th, 19th and even 20th century still believe in the theory, unlike most theories of science that get thrown out in time, this one is strangely going stronger then ever. . .as a little search of the internet will show you. Did Jules Verne start it all though? No. As one source put it:
"Some of the support of the theory of a hollow Earth did not begin (nor did it end) with Jules Verne though. In fact, amongst those who espoused such ideas. . . were such notable scientists as Edmund Halley (1656-1742) and Sir John Leslie (1766-1832), as well as some religious figures such as Cotton Mather (1663-1728). Halley particularly (yes, he is the same Halley whom the famous comet is named after) was one of the first to propose the hollow Earth as a valid scientific theory because of the compass going up when they went down far enough into the Earth. . .a fact that wasn't known at the time of the writing of some of the books, but has since proven to be right!"
"The center of gravity is in the approximate center of an (at the most) 800-mile thick crust of the Earth we now know. The center of gravity is not at, or towards, the center of the Earth, as we have presumed in the past. Theoretically it would work just as well on the inside, as on the outside of the planetary crust."
William Reed, author of the book, "Phantom of the Poles," published in 1906 was another of the first to publicly show scientific evidence for the hollow earth. This book provides the first real compilation of scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the theory that the Earth is hollow with openings at its poles. Reed estimates that the crust of the Earth has a thickness of 800 miles, while its hollow interior has a diameter of 6,400 miles. Reed summarizes his revolutionary theory as follows:
"The earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World, and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth's surface."
Reed pointed out that the Earth is not a true sphere, but is flattened at the Poles, or rather it begins to flatten out as one approaches the hypothetical North and South Pole, which really do not exist because the openings to its hollow interior occur there. Hence the Poles are really in midair, in the center of the polar openings and are not on its surface as would-be discoverers of the Poles suppose.
Reed claims that the Poles cannot be discovered because the Earth is hollow at its Pole points, which exist in midair, due to the existence there of polar openings leading to its interior. When explorers thought they reached the Pole, they were misled by the eccentric behavior of the compass in high latitudes, north and south. Reed claims that this happened in the case of Peary and Cook, neither of whom really reached the North Pole.
Starting at 70 to 75 degrees north and south latitude the Earth starts to curve IN. The North Magnetic Pole, once thought to be a point in the Arctic Archipelago, has been lately shown by Soviet Arctic explorers to be a circular line approximately 1000 miles long constituting the rim of the polar opening. When an explorer reaches this rim, he has reached the North Magnetic Pole, not the actual north pole.
and The white royals of history were all "sons of the tall men" Part 7)
one question skeptical people justifiably have is:
Why has the government made the poles a no fly zone?
The short answer the pros tell us is: because it is frequently disastrous for anything electronic because of unpredictable solar storms.
Let's have a little science lesson here together.
A solar storm is an intense inflow of radiation from the sun.
So if you are a Bible believing Christian, and are convinced that it is right, I hope you believe in the hollow earth theory, because it was definitely believed in the New testament at very least. There is also some evidence of it's belief in the Old testament as well though in Ps.139:15: "My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth." In other translations this is also translated "depths of the earth". Sometimes translated as "the pit", "the Abyss" or also Sheol, though as discussed in my post: The reality of Heaven and Hell in HISTORY! Part 9, there is no connection to an evil, fiery place of the dead until later, as this christian source admits to here and elsewhere.
"In the Old Testament abyssos [ Psalm 77:16 ; 78:15 ; 106:9 ; Isaiah 51:10 ; Amos 7:4 ), although in Psalm 71:20 , "the depths of the earth" are spoken of in a manner almost signifying death , abyssos [ἄβυσσος ] never translates Sheol , so in the Old Testament it never carries the idea of the realm of the dead or the afterlife."
So the depths of the earth, the pit, the Abyss or later Sheol was equated with the cradle of civilization. . . this brings us back to Eden. . .and back to my earlier theory of where I think the "lower" Eden is, that brought on this discussion of the hollow earth theory from my last post:
Origins of "God", man, and the location of the original Garden of Eden? Part 13
In 1928 The smokey God was a story published of a Norwegian sailor Olaf Jansen who explains how his sloop (vessel) sailed through an entrance to the earth's interior at the North Pole. For two years Olaf Jansen claimed that he and his father lived with the inhabitants of an underground network of colonies who, he writes, were a full twelve feet tall (strangely tall like the tall men/Aliens of old). His account told of a giant mostly blond and red haired race. . .
He saw advanced technology that he described in his journal that had not been invented yet, but later was. . .similar to what other writers like Jules Verne spoke of.
The inner world's people though were not discussed in the popular book Journey to the center of the Earth by Jules Verne, (maybe he just never got to see them) but the uncanny similarity with the rest was weird, as apparently this other author's part of the world was (at least in his books telling of the story) suppose to be very naive to the hollow Earth theory, and other books on the subject.
While the man and his father were in the inner Earth for two years in his telling of his story, they were taught the language, which the author later found out was Sanskrit (also ironically the original tongue of the tall men/aliens).
After learning the language sufficiently, the man and his father were taken to the place they called "the cradle of civilization", or "Eden". It was indeed a garden, and the man tells of the rivers running from the garden. Amazingly identical to the biblical account down to the names of the rivers! This guy was not a Christian. . . so he had nothing to gain or prove by speaking of Eden!
As a matter of fact, his father and he believed in the Gods of the Norweigen tradition, who were said to have come from the land beyond the ice. So the ones who historically had blond and red hair like the "gods" Thor and Odin, were said to have been last seen beyond the ice. . .which at the poles is said to never end. You will see that this is spoken of much by actual explorers in a bit.
So, was this guy, (presumably like Jules Verne) just independently making it all up and getting really lucky with the details of others' books in other parts of the world, who said they saw the inner Earth? I doubt it, because as his story says, and typical for his time, he was put in an insane asylum for 28 years of his life for telling his story, and trying to question the accepted norm. Because of his experience he didn't publish his journal/book until he was on his deathbed, for fear it would happen again.
Anyhow, the reading of the book is fascinating if you have an open mind! Not sure if the book is in print anymore, but if you care to have it's main parts read aloud, it is on youtube here.
He saw advanced technology that he described in his journal that had not been invented yet, but later was. . .similar to what other writers like Jules Verne spoke of.
The inner world's people though were not discussed in the popular book Journey to the center of the Earth by Jules Verne, (maybe he just never got to see them) but the uncanny similarity with the rest was weird, as apparently this other author's part of the world was (at least in his books telling of the story) suppose to be very naive to the hollow Earth theory, and other books on the subject.
While the man and his father were in the inner Earth for two years in his telling of his story, they were taught the language, which the author later found out was Sanskrit (also ironically the original tongue of the tall men/aliens).
After learning the language sufficiently, the man and his father were taken to the place they called "the cradle of civilization", or "Eden". It was indeed a garden, and the man tells of the rivers running from the garden. Amazingly identical to the biblical account down to the names of the rivers! This guy was not a Christian. . . so he had nothing to gain or prove by speaking of Eden!
As a matter of fact, his father and he believed in the Gods of the Norweigen tradition, who were said to have come from the land beyond the ice. So the ones who historically had blond and red hair like the "gods" Thor and Odin, were said to have been last seen beyond the ice. . .which at the poles is said to never end. You will see that this is spoken of much by actual explorers in a bit.
So, was this guy, (presumably like Jules Verne) just independently making it all up and getting really lucky with the details of others' books in other parts of the world, who said they saw the inner Earth? I doubt it, because as his story says, and typical for his time, he was put in an insane asylum for 28 years of his life for telling his story, and trying to question the accepted norm. Because of his experience he didn't publish his journal/book until he was on his deathbed, for fear it would happen again.
Who can bring up the hollow earth theory without a discussion of the most famous book on it as well though?! Here are some highlights:
The 1864 book "Journey to the center of the Earth" by Jules Verne was the first of the "fantasy" books about the Hollow earth theory. It is called a fantasy book now, but it is questionable whether or not it was meant to be. . .
We do know that some did believe the stories were real. Those in the 17th, 18th, 19th and even 20th century still believe in the theory, unlike most theories of science that get thrown out in time, this one is strangely going stronger then ever. . .as a little search of the internet will show you. Did Jules Verne start it all though? No. As one source put it:
"Some of the support of the theory of a hollow Earth did not begin (nor did it end) with Jules Verne though. In fact, amongst those who espoused such ideas. . . were such notable scientists as Edmund Halley (1656-1742) and Sir John Leslie (1766-1832), as well as some religious figures such as Cotton Mather (1663-1728). Halley particularly (yes, he is the same Halley whom the famous comet is named after) was one of the first to propose the hollow Earth as a valid scientific theory because of the compass going up when they went down far enough into the Earth. . .a fact that wasn't known at the time of the writing of some of the books, but has since proven to be right!"
"The center of gravity is in the approximate center of an (at the most) 800-mile thick crust of the Earth we now know. The center of gravity is not at, or towards, the center of the Earth, as we have presumed in the past. Theoretically it would work just as well on the inside, as on the outside of the planetary crust."
William Reed, author of the book, "Phantom of the Poles," published in 1906 was another of the first to publicly show scientific evidence for the hollow earth. This book provides the first real compilation of scientific evidence, based on the reports of Arctic explorers, in support of the theory that the Earth is hollow with openings at its poles. Reed estimates that the crust of the Earth has a thickness of 800 miles, while its hollow interior has a diameter of 6,400 miles. Reed summarizes his revolutionary theory as follows:
"The earth is hollow. The Poles, so long sought, are phantoms. There are openings at the northern and southern extremities. In the interior are vast continents, oceans, mountains and rivers. Vegetable and animal life are evident in this New World, and it is probably peopled by races unknown to dwellers on the Earth's surface."
Reed pointed out that the Earth is not a true sphere, but is flattened at the Poles, or rather it begins to flatten out as one approaches the hypothetical North and South Pole, which really do not exist because the openings to its hollow interior occur there. Hence the Poles are really in midair, in the center of the polar openings and are not on its surface as would-be discoverers of the Poles suppose.
Reed claims that the Poles cannot be discovered because the Earth is hollow at its Pole points, which exist in midair, due to the existence there of polar openings leading to its interior. When explorers thought they reached the Pole, they were misled by the eccentric behavior of the compass in high latitudes, north and south. Reed claims that this happened in the case of Peary and Cook, neither of whom really reached the North Pole.
Starting at 70 to 75 degrees north and south latitude the Earth starts to curve IN. The North Magnetic Pole, once thought to be a point in the Arctic Archipelago, has been lately shown by Soviet Arctic explorers to be a circular line approximately 1000 miles long constituting the rim of the polar opening. When an explorer reaches this rim, he has reached the North Magnetic Pole, not the actual north pole.
At that time, with the now "scientific" theory gaining popularity and/or starting to be written of more, it should actually come as no surprise that another "scientific" book came along about the center of the Earth and had the exact same stuff in it as the rest too!
As the scientists readily admit to, the fact is:At that time, with the now "scientific" theory gaining popularity and/or starting to be written of more, it should actually come as no surprise that another "scientific" book came along about the center of the Earth and had the exact same stuff in it as the rest too!
In 1913 Marshall B. Gardner of Aurora, Illinois, published a book also ironically called "Journey to the Center of the Earth". Gardner viewed all the hollow Earthers coming before him as non-scientists and “cranks”. Indeed, his theory was clearly much more scientific then some who seemed to make novels out of the theory. Yet to Gardner, the Earth was just as entirely hollow, apart from a sun in the center which provided perpetual daylight to the inhabitants living therein, and there was a giant hole at the north pole. Actually very little different from the thoughts of others of his time from what I can tell even from his critics.
Oh, but that was far from the famous literature that mentioned the same, many times exact, theme whether in jest or scientific literature! We have some of the others here:
- Edgar Allan Poe in his 1838 novel The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. He also touches on it in his short stories "MS. Found in a Bottle" and "The Unparalleled Adventure of One Hans Pfaall."
- Lewis Carroll's 1865 novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland was originally titled Alice's Adventures Under Ground.
- Edward Bulwer-Lytton's 1871 novel The Coming Race was an account of the Vril-ya, an angelic subterranean master race.
- In Dante Alighieri's Divine Comedy poem Inferno, Hell is a vast underground cavern and the narrator travels through the center of the Earth and out the other side.
- A Voyage of Discovery by a "Captain Adam Seaborn" appeared in print in 1820. It obviously reflected the ideas of the hollow earth.
- William R. Bradshaw's science fiction novel The Goddess of Atvatabar (1892) is a utopian fantasy set within the hollow Earth.
- The protofeminist utopia Etidorhpa (1895) by John Uri Lloyd is also set within a hollow Earth.
- An underground Kingdom is featured in several of the Oz books by L. Frank Baum, notably the Ozma of Oz (1907), Dorothy and the Wizard in Oz (1908) and Tik-Tok of Oz (1914).
- The Russian geologist Vladimir Obruchev uses the concept of the hollow Earth in his 1915 scientific novel Plutonia to take the reader through various geological epochs.
- C. S. Lewis's 1953 novel The Silver Chair (part of The Chronicles of Narnia) takes place partly in Underland, a subterranean kingdom plotting to conquer Narnia.
- The Third Eye (1956) by Tuesday Lobsang Rampa mentions contact with advanced beings living in the center of the Earth.
- The End of the Tunnel (aka The Cave of Cornelius) (1959), by Paul Capon. Four boys in England get trapped in a cave by a landslide, and by following the cave, they encounter a forgotten civilization.
- and many more since.
While, like the accurate knowledge of the planets, building, math, boating, etc. that was ahead of their time, the teaching of a hollow earth could have theoretically been passed down by the original ancient astronauts/aliens to their children or "chosen people". Like any other myth though, time has no doubt now distorted it to novels, stories and myths, as a lot of the rest of what the original people have taught and had taught about them. Consequently it probably seems as illogical to believe in "God" as an Alien to some, as it is for others to believe in a hollow earth.
As with the history channel's series "Ancient aliens", much wishful thinking and speculation over the years can bring a lot of misunderstandings and make it appear to sometimes show how stupid a theory is with using evidence that is really not evidence at all. In a similar way, looking at any one piece of the puzzle makes the ancient alien theory seem a myth. Even a few of the pieces can be discounted. . .but when you get it all put together, as this rather long series has done, the evidence seems too vast to dismiss.
So, while not trying to push the hollow earth theory too much, (as it is actually not important to my other theory about the aliens) I want to dispel some of the bad science and wishful thinking and what some are seeing as support for it. . .as well as showing my readers the actual evidence for it. Then you who know about this stuff more then me can correct me, or tell me what I'm missing.
As with the history channel's series "Ancient aliens", much wishful thinking and speculation over the years can bring a lot of misunderstandings and make it appear to sometimes show how stupid a theory is with using evidence that is really not evidence at all. In a similar way, looking at any one piece of the puzzle makes the ancient alien theory seem a myth. Even a few of the pieces can be discounted. . .but when you get it all put together, as this rather long series has done, the evidence seems too vast to dismiss.
So, while not trying to push the hollow earth theory too much, (as it is actually not important to my other theory about the aliens) I want to dispel some of the bad science and wishful thinking and what some are seeing as support for it. . .as well as showing my readers the actual evidence for it. Then you who know about this stuff more then me can correct me, or tell me what I'm missing.
"Except in the crust, the interior of the Earth cannot be studied by drilling holes to take samples. Instead, scientists map the interior by watching how seismic waves from earthquakes are bent, reflected, sped up, or delayed by the various layers."
These evidences, while seeming infallible to the unquestioning mind, are actually surrounded by more questions then answers. If you have concluded that you can trust the authorities in the world, and swallow their double talk and fancy terms that you have no idea what they are even suppose to mean, then you have a neat little package. If you start to question even one little part, the understanding of so much just falls apart! So why start down that crazy path of even asking if the Earth is hollow you ask?
That mindset gets into all the "conspiracy theories" like the supposed secret journal of Admiral Byrd, the government pilot and his co-pilot who flew 1,700 miles over a supposedly ice-free Arctic area,
into the hollow earth and was said to have seen the same stuff as in the books, only to be silenced until his deathbed. Or the theory of the commissioning of a huge Nazi fleet by Hitler to find the entrance to the hollow earth, and suddenly the disappearance of all the top dogs and the emergence of amazing new technology, (which the States promptly stole from them with the leaders out of the way) and consequently a stop to the war. . . these are very interesting topics in history by the way.
It seems though, that they in authority apparently want us to stay ignorant of our surroundings In the past they fought over new science; disputing the flat earth, and the sun being the center of the solar system. Yet if they had known about their own people's history and astronomy through the maps of their ancestors the Sumerians, those Catholic popes, the kings and the elite (who were most certainly very educated and traveled) they would have known the truth before it came out. So why did they hide the truth then? Probably for about the same reason they would hide the hollow earth science from the common man even now? To retain their power, and make us believe we have no need to explore.
So, with the obvious connection of the bloodline of the god's to the elite and those in the government, (as seen in my posts: The difference in our blood, and what it means. Part 3These evidences, while seeming infallible to the unquestioning mind, are actually surrounded by more questions then answers. If you have concluded that you can trust the authorities in the world, and swallow their double talk and fancy terms that you have no idea what they are even suppose to mean, then you have a neat little package. If you start to question even one little part, the understanding of so much just falls apart! So why start down that crazy path of even asking if the Earth is hollow you ask?
That mindset gets into all the "conspiracy theories" like the supposed secret journal of Admiral Byrd, the government pilot and his co-pilot who flew 1,700 miles over a supposedly ice-free Arctic area,
into the hollow earth and was said to have seen the same stuff as in the books, only to be silenced until his deathbed. Or the theory of the commissioning of a huge Nazi fleet by Hitler to find the entrance to the hollow earth, and suddenly the disappearance of all the top dogs and the emergence of amazing new technology, (which the States promptly stole from them with the leaders out of the way) and consequently a stop to the war. . . these are very interesting topics in history by the way.
It seems though, that they in authority apparently want us to stay ignorant of our surroundings In the past they fought over new science; disputing the flat earth, and the sun being the center of the solar system. Yet if they had known about their own people's history and astronomy through the maps of their ancestors the Sumerians, those Catholic popes, the kings and the elite (who were most certainly very educated and traveled) they would have known the truth before it came out. So why did they hide the truth then? Probably for about the same reason they would hide the hollow earth science from the common man even now? To retain their power, and make us believe we have no need to explore.
and The white royals of history were all "sons of the tall men" Part 7)
one question skeptical people justifiably have is:
Why has the government made the poles a no fly zone?
Let's have a little science lesson here together.
A solar storm is an intense inflow of radiation from the sun.
Solar flares carry radiation, made up of protons and other charged particles. The radiation is mostly blocked by the magnetosphere and atmosphere, so cannot reach us on Earth. Such a storm has little to no effect on airplane passengers or astronauts within Earth's magnetosphere, although solar radiation storms can also disturb the regions through which high frequency radio communications travel. Therefore, during a solar radiation storm, airplanes traveling routes near the poles – which rely exclusively on radio communications – may be re-routed. At their most extreme, solar radiation storms can cause complete high frequency radio blackouts, damage to electronics, memory and imaging systems on satellites. . .
The hollow earthers admit to this radio disturbance, and the changed magnetics making an added effect from the solar flares. They also say that the dead radios is sometimes caused by going out of range of the satellites (that do not orbit around the poles) and by slowly entering a gradually sloping hole into the hollow earth.
Sadly, because of the magnetic pole being the marker of the edge of the slope that leads to a small hole, the compasses tell them they are exactly at the pole, and they do not know they are actually no where near it. So some planes brag about flying over the poles even daily, but they barely touch the rim.
Why the confusion between the magnetic north, and the earths magnetics?
Here's what the pros say:
Richard A. Lovett in San Francisco for National Geographic News:
" The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year. In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year. "Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says. Right now, magnetic north is close to Canada's Ellesmere Island."
Hollow earthers believe the magnetic north is on a circular path in the area of both poles, but not at a point on the map. "The true magnetic pole is not on the external rim of the polar opening but the center of the Earth's crust, which should be about 400 miles below the surface, and running around the polar opening.
For this reason the needle of the compass still continues to point vertically downward after one passes the rim of the polar opening and penetrates into it. Only after passing its center would the needle of the compass start pointing upward instead of downward, but in either case, after reaching the rim of the polar opening, the compass no longer functions horizontally, as previously, but vertically. This has been observed by all Arctic explorers who reached high latitudes."
"When Admiral Peary (and any other Arctic explorer who used a magnetic compass) claims to have "reached" the Pole, he is making a very vague claim indeed. He can only say that he reached a point, which can be anywhere in a demonstrable 2,000 mile area (the magnetic rim of the polar opening), where his compass pointed straight down. A noteworthy achievement, but not a 'discovery of the Pole.' " The actual polar opening is so large that one cannot know the difference except that the sun rises later and sets sooner, its rays being cut off by the rim of the polar opening after one enters it.
Furthermore, the constant moving of the magnetic pole is explained by, "The focal point, or the actual 'pinpoint' of the magnetic pole exists on only one portion of the circumference of that circle at a time, and moves progressively around the circle in a definite `orbit' that takes some 235 years. This would make the magnetic pole travel approximately 18 miles per year."
Suspiciously, some Hollow earthers say the world's magnetic field being shaped like a hollow donut proves that there is something odd going on. . .is that proof?
The government, and NASA admit to the magnetic fields having two holes like a "doughnut" at the poles. It seems strange to me, and a likely evidence of a hollow earth, yet there is simply no excuse or explanation for this one. . .and while not proof, it is stacking evidence.
Another suspicious thing people think is proof of the hollow earth are the colorful auroras that happen in the polar regions.
An Aurora Australis or an Aurora Borealis occurs when electrically charged streams of particles from solar flare particles (mostly electrons which are mostly at the poles or in space) accelerate into the upper atmosphere's changing magnetic field, where they collide with gas atoms,(mostly nitrogen and oxygen) causing the atoms to give off curtains of blue, green and magenta.
(Earth is not unique in either magnetic fields or these auroras, as Jupiter was observed by the orbiting Hubble telescope to have them as well. . .which of course means nothing if it too was hollow.)
They say that the Earth's magnetic field is compressed on the sun's or day side, where the solar wind flows over it. It is also stretched into a long tail like the wake of a ship, which is called the magnetotail.

When conditions are just right, the build-up of pressure from the solar flares/storms (that cause "wind") creates an electric voltage between the magnetotail and the poles, like the voltage between the two terminals of a battery.
Squeezing the Earth's magnetic field stores up a lot of energy. Energy from the solar wind is constantly building up in the magnetosphere. The release of this energy is seen in the colorful auroras.
So that was a very complicated answer, which precious few of us can either fully understand, or verify that it makes a lick of sense. Here's a simple explanation though: the hollow earthers say that the lights are made by the reflection of the inner "sun" on the clouds and the gases in it's atmosphere reacting with the outer atmosphere. It gets a little more technical, but that's the basics of it.
"If the Earth was originally a ball of fire and molten metal, some of this fire remained in its center, while centrifugal force as a result of its rotation on its axis caused its solid matter to be thrown toward the surface, forming a solid crust and leaving its interior hollow, with a fiery ball in its center, forming the central sun, which provides illumination for plant, animal and human life."
Centrifugal force caused the heavier substances to be thrown outward, toward its periphery, in the form of rocks and metals, to form its outer crust, leaving its interior hollow, with openings at the poles, where centrifugal force was less and where there was less tendency to throw materials outward, which was greater at the equator, causing the bulging of the earth in this region."

The hollow earthers admit to this radio disturbance, and the changed magnetics making an added effect from the solar flares. They also say that the dead radios is sometimes caused by going out of range of the satellites (that do not orbit around the poles) and by slowly entering a gradually sloping hole into the hollow earth.
Sadly, because of the magnetic pole being the marker of the edge of the slope that leads to a small hole, the compasses tell them they are exactly at the pole, and they do not know they are actually no where near it. So some planes brag about flying over the poles even daily, but they barely touch the rim.
Why the confusion between the magnetic north, and the earths magnetics?
Here's what the pros say:
Richard A. Lovett in San Francisco for National Geographic News:
" The magnetic north pole had moved little from the time scientists first located it in 1831. Then in 1904, the pole began shifting northeastward at a steady pace of about 9 miles (15 kilometers) a year. In 1989 it sped up again, and in 2007 scientists confirmed that the pole is now galloping toward Siberia at 34 to 37 miles (55 to 60 kilometers) a year. "Earth's north magnetic pole is racing toward Russia at almost 40 miles (64 kilometers) a year due to magnetic changes in the planet's core, new research says. Right now, magnetic north is close to Canada's Ellesmere Island."
Hollow earthers believe the magnetic north is on a circular path in the area of both poles, but not at a point on the map. "The true magnetic pole is not on the external rim of the polar opening but the center of the Earth's crust, which should be about 400 miles below the surface, and running around the polar opening.
For this reason the needle of the compass still continues to point vertically downward after one passes the rim of the polar opening and penetrates into it. Only after passing its center would the needle of the compass start pointing upward instead of downward, but in either case, after reaching the rim of the polar opening, the compass no longer functions horizontally, as previously, but vertically. This has been observed by all Arctic explorers who reached high latitudes."
"When Admiral Peary (and any other Arctic explorer who used a magnetic compass) claims to have "reached" the Pole, he is making a very vague claim indeed. He can only say that he reached a point, which can be anywhere in a demonstrable 2,000 mile area (the magnetic rim of the polar opening), where his compass pointed straight down. A noteworthy achievement, but not a 'discovery of the Pole.' " The actual polar opening is so large that one cannot know the difference except that the sun rises later and sets sooner, its rays being cut off by the rim of the polar opening after one enters it.
Furthermore, the constant moving of the magnetic pole is explained by, "The focal point, or the actual 'pinpoint' of the magnetic pole exists on only one portion of the circumference of that circle at a time, and moves progressively around the circle in a definite `orbit' that takes some 235 years. This would make the magnetic pole travel approximately 18 miles per year."

The government, and NASA admit to the magnetic fields having two holes like a "doughnut" at the poles. It seems strange to me, and a likely evidence of a hollow earth, yet there is simply no excuse or explanation for this one. . .and while not proof, it is stacking evidence.
Another suspicious thing people think is proof of the hollow earth are the colorful auroras that happen in the polar regions.
So, why are the auroras only found in the north and south pole?
Here's what the pros say:
An Aurora Australis or an Aurora Borealis occurs when electrically charged streams of particles from solar flare particles (mostly electrons which are mostly at the poles or in space) accelerate into the upper atmosphere's changing magnetic field, where they collide with gas atoms,(mostly nitrogen and oxygen) causing the atoms to give off curtains of blue, green and magenta.
(Earth is not unique in either magnetic fields or these auroras, as Jupiter was observed by the orbiting Hubble telescope to have them as well. . .which of course means nothing if it too was hollow.)
They say that the Earth's magnetic field is compressed on the sun's or day side, where the solar wind flows over it. It is also stretched into a long tail like the wake of a ship, which is called the magnetotail.

When conditions are just right, the build-up of pressure from the solar flares/storms (that cause "wind") creates an electric voltage between the magnetotail and the poles, like the voltage between the two terminals of a battery.
Squeezing the Earth's magnetic field stores up a lot of energy. Energy from the solar wind is constantly building up in the magnetosphere. The release of this energy is seen in the colorful auroras.
So that was a very complicated answer, which precious few of us can either fully understand, or verify that it makes a lick of sense. Here's a simple explanation though: the hollow earthers say that the lights are made by the reflection of the inner "sun" on the clouds and the gases in it's atmosphere reacting with the outer atmosphere. It gets a little more technical, but that's the basics of it.
General Observations that lead many to question the normal explanations of the earth's interior:
- Both the Earth and the Moon ring hollow for hours after struck with meteorites, as measured by seismic stations on Earth and on the Moon.
- The temperature, as one gets past a certain latitude, increases as one approaches the poles, which is not supposed to happen; arctic (and in less cases, antarctic) explorers have reported in their ship's logs to have taken off their climate gear.
- Near the northern polar region's are found Floating flora and fauna (many tropical and unseen varieties) at latitudes where none should be. They are often very fresh, not decomposed from many months of floating in the ocean currents that might have brought them from far away.
- Spiders, bees, mosquitos, moths and flies were found once past the cold and icy region below the north pole.
- Many bird species, as well as some mammals (like foxes, bears and musk-oxen) in the northern hemisphere migrate north - before winter; birds in the southern hemisphere migrate south in their winter, too - if the poles are the coldest regions, it makes no sense but they must have a very good reason. . .
- Icebergs around the north pole are made of frozen sweetwater - not frozen saltwater. There is little if any precipitation of rain or snow (sweetwater) in the polar regions. (Saltwater will freeze to ice at low enough temperatures though.) There is no supply of sweetwater to explain the existence of icebergs which are hundreds of feet high, up to hundreds of miles long and dozens of miles wide. . .unless the water from the inner earth comes up from the spinning, and freezes as it goes to the top of the heavier saltwater.
- Dust - a lot of it. The dust in the air has caused some explorers like Nansen to turn back, it was so thick in the air. Some have explained the origin of this dust, often noticed by Arctic explorers, to volcanoes inside the polar opening leading to the interior of the Earth. It would be impossible to expect volcanoes in the Arctic, except if they were inside the polar opening.
- Massive wave-like or tidal movements in the arctic polar region have been witnessed by many explorers, waves which cracked and moved the ice floes around the explorer's ships in a very, very major way that had their hair stand on end. Hollow earthers believe this is caused by the melting and breaking off of the icebergs as they form.
- Floating and deposited driftwood (including exotic species) is extremely abundant and sometimes stacked 15 feet/5m high along the coasts in the polar region of Spitzbergen and Greenland, up to 86 degrees latitude north!
- Mammoth, elephant, woolly rhinoceros, hippopotamus, lion and hyena have been found in the ice from the north pole that is also deposited on the coasts of Siberia; entire forests of mammoth ivory have been found there.
- The stomach content of a frozen mammoth has been found to contain tropical (undigested) plants that do not occur anywhere in the northern polar region; supposedly, the last time the mammoths were clomping around was during the last Ice Age, but many were found with their remains good enough to give to the sled dogs in Siberia for dinner. [Note: If these mammoths came out of Inner Earth via the huge freshwater rivers that flow outwards and froze as they passed the northern polar opening, then the theory of a massive crustal shift of the Earth's plates- which supposedly transported mammoths, causing them to insta-freeze as a result- has little for evidence.
- In February 1947, about the time when Admiral Byrd made his great discovery of land beyond the North Pole, another remarkable discovery was made in the continent of Antarctica, the discovery of "Bunger's Oasis." The land Bunger discovered was ice-free. The lakes were of many different colors, ranging from rusty red, green to deep blue. The water was warmer than the ocean, as Bunger found by landing his seaplane on one of the lakes. Around the oasis, Bunger saw endless and eternal white snow and ice. The existence of such an oasis in the far Antarctic, a land of perpetual ice, would indicate warmer conditions there, which would exist if the oasis was in the smaller south polar opening, leading to the warmer interior of the earth. The oasis could not result from volcanic activity below the Earth's surface, for, since the land area of the oasis covered three hundred square miles, it was too big to be affected by volcanic heat supply. Warm wind currents from the Earth's interior are a better explanation. Thus Byrd in the Arctic and Bunger in the Antarctic both made similar discoveries of warmer land areas beyond the Poles at about the same time, early in 1947.
- At the latitude 43 degrees south and 33 degrees west, (in the Antarctic) an iceberg was observed (by a boat surrounded itself by ice) which bore a large quantity of sand and earth, and which revealed a beaten track, a place of refuge formed in a sheltered nook, and the bodies of five dead men who lay on different parts of the iceberg. Bad weather prevented any attempts at further investigation. The sailing vessel 'Gladys', was captained by F. B. Hatfield in 1893. With no human tribes ever seen in the Antarctic, and no vessels ever being lost in the place, many conclude that they, by their lack of clothes and gear must have come from a warmer place and got lost.
- Some time ago a newspaper in Toronto, Canada, "The Globe and Mail," published a photo of a green valley taken by an aviator in the Arctic region. Evidently the aviator took the picture from the air and did not attempt to land. It was a beautiful valley and contained rolling green hills. The aviator must have gone beyond the North Pole into the same warmer territory that Admiral Byrd visited, which lies inside the polar opening.This picture was published in 1960.
- A spinning planetary body in formation has zero gravity in its center, so mass does accumulate where gravitational and centrifugal forces are balanced within the area of the spinning matter, and that form would be a sphere with openings at the top and bottom, like a hurricane of matter in space. ANYTHING spinning will have centrifugal force which pushes everything to the outside.
"If the Earth was originally a ball of fire and molten metal, some of this fire remained in its center, while centrifugal force as a result of its rotation on its axis caused its solid matter to be thrown toward the surface, forming a solid crust and leaving its interior hollow, with a fiery ball in its center, forming the central sun, which provides illumination for plant, animal and human life."
Centrifugal force caused the heavier substances to be thrown outward, toward its periphery, in the form of rocks and metals, to form its outer crust, leaving its interior hollow, with openings at the poles, where centrifugal force was less and where there was less tendency to throw materials outward, which was greater at the equator, causing the bulging of the earth in this region."
- "The total surface of the Earth is 197 million square miles and its estimated weight is six sextillion tons. If the Earth was a solid sphere, its weight would be much greater. According to the popular theory, the mantle would be made of olivine, which weighs about 3,300 kilograms per cubic meter. (Crustal rocks like granite weigh less, like 2,700 kilograms per cubic meter.) Now, let's just say that the earth is composed of olivine -after all, it is one of the densest silicate minerals. A solid ball of olivine with the same volume as the earth would weigh:
(3.3 x 10^3 kg/m^3) x (10^21 m^3) = 3.3 x 10^24 kg = 3.3 sextillion
This means that the earth is roughly twice as
heavy as it should be at the estimated six sextillion tons.
This is one of the best scientific evidences, in my humble opinion, that the Earth has a hollow interior.
Back to what this post started over though, the location of the original "lower" Eden, or "paradise":
The Scandinavian legend of a land of paradise in the far north, known as "Ultima Thule," is significant now, because the existence of such an ice-free land in the northern limits of the Earth, (believed to be mythical and the home of the powerful red and blond haired "gods"), we now see is more then myth. It would seem that the book previously mentioned, called "the smokey God", and the evidence from Admiral Byrd's flight into the hollow earth, as well as much evidence from what Arctic explorers see floating around, and in the ice, all confirm that "the garden of the gods" (in the Sumerian text), Ultima Thule, or the garden of Eden, (depending on the myth you are going with) is likely in the hollow earth! A word of caution to the pilots who now want to visit though, there is that biblical "myth" of the "Angel"/god with a "flaming sword" guarding the entrance to the garden. . .just saying, you might want to run up a white flag.
The Scandinavian legend of a land of paradise in the far north, known as "Ultima Thule," is significant now, because the existence of such an ice-free land in the northern limits of the Earth, (believed to be mythical and the home of the powerful red and blond haired "gods"), we now see is more then myth. It would seem that the book previously mentioned, called "the smokey God", and the evidence from Admiral Byrd's flight into the hollow earth, as well as much evidence from what Arctic explorers see floating around, and in the ice, all confirm that "the garden of the gods" (in the Sumerian text), Ultima Thule, or the garden of Eden, (depending on the myth you are going with) is likely in the hollow earth! A word of caution to the pilots who now want to visit though, there is that biblical "myth" of the "Angel"/god with a "flaming sword" guarding the entrance to the garden. . .just saying, you might want to run up a white flag.
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