Sunday, May 27, 2012

He said he'd marry his first girlfriend. . . how we met.

There once was a story told
of a maiden with hair like gold,
and the man on who she was sold.
At first it was she who was bold,
but as he showed love, she was cold.
And so the story did unfold. . .
 until she removed her blindfold.
Now they are a couple to behold,
yet not without trials untold.
May they live a life of love 'til they're old.
By Angela

 It all started with college days: Because of pressure on both sides, both my husband and I were planning on going to Bible school, Being "in the ministry" was something we were both expected to do . . just what aspect of it was the nagging question. My now husband Mike was not really sure what he was suppose to do with his life, but he was always told that he should "aspire to the office of Bishop", so that was his first major in Bible school: a pastoral major that is. While mine was a strong preference for Missions like   
my Grandparents who went to Africa for 35 years.

 I had no preference for one college over another, but after my Grandparents told me that they would pay my way if I chose their favorite (very conservative) Bible college, and my parents pitching in the rest, I promptly signed up for one half way across the continent from me. Don't get me wrong, I appreciate the manipulation, as that was where I met my dear hubby, but that poor choice of schools guided me for many years. . . 

As was par for our lives, we didn't fit in with the fun-loving, immature, and gullible kids in college very well. That's not completely true though. . .I got off to a great start! I boldly introduced myself to everyone, including Mike, and spent most of my first few weeks that I was there in the Rec. Hall. I had gotten there early because we were just driving by at the time, so I was the only one not there for tryouts or music other than a few.  Mike was there for music.  At first I was taking him on as a project-because I saw him as lonely and socially needing help. Then when I found he was making me lose friends (guy friends) I tried to get rid of the rumors by claiming I didn't like him. He fought very hard for me, and I was very soon powerless under his charm. I could no longer resist someone so like me, and yet so opposite. I had hidden behind a tomboy/blond facade for years, and he being the school's brain and gentleman was both my tutor and appreciator as he saw and developed my hidden intelligence and femininity.

 We both found such solitude in each other, that after only 2 months into meeting (it seemed like years though with every spare moment together), we asked our parents if we could get married in the coming up break. Being a parent myself now I realize that it was of course scary for them, but they had seen it coming. There should have been no question in my parent's mind about me being sincere and decisive in my choice, as I am the epitome of decisiveness and sincerity. . . my husband more just the later.  I was his first girlfriend and he had always planned on marrying his first girlfriend; so he wasn't devoid of some determination there himself. He had even made a little wager with his roommate to that effect. . .which he still hasn't collected on mind you. I hope he reads this, because we could always use an extra $20 bucks!

Sadly, we were "talked" out of getting married by some parents, and even told to stop dating. . .and that lasted about one miserable week, until we both followed our hearts again. The college also tried to split us up; seeing too much obvious passion in us (as much as is possible at a place where any touching is outlawed. . .just looks and touching with PENS got us in trouble!), they "socialed" us twice! That meant we were told we couldn't write, talk, call, or even look at each other except from a distance. . .the funny thing was, thinking we had to obey them, we actually complied!) Finally we decided that marriage "wasn't in the cards" for us yet and being together in that environment made it torture, so I decided to change colleges.

 After the first semester my husband changed his music minor to a major partially because I said I don't want to marry a guy who can't sing (like I grew up doing as an evangelist's kid), while I moved on to a local community college back in my home town in Canada where I took a 6 month nursing (geriatrics) course to further prepare me for my life's goal of being a Missionary in a foreign country. .  .if I could only talk my future husband into it someday!

  Then I went on to work in a retail store, and later as a "Care Aid" (the equivalent of which they don't have in the States) in a Nursing home for a few years while waiting for my man to come for me. We were apart for 2 1/2 years, and separated by half a continent!

Then we got to thinking; Mike was working his way through four years of college slowly, and with a special diet, because he had carelessly made himself hypoglycemic in the past, my husband reasoned that it would be actually saving money to live off campus as a married student with me keeping house and possibly working too. So two and a half years later, we were finally able to get the much desired permission, even if not blessing, from both sets of parents to get married, even though he had not graduated. Mike was even allowed to give his Great Grandma's wedding ring for our engagement.

 So after much hassle from the immigration people, we had a Christmas wedding in Washington state, right over the border from my family in Canada.  We had a second reception for his friends and family in New Hampshire, then flew to honeymoon in Florida. Coming back to New Hampshire, we then drove, through a horrible snow and ice storm, (passing 60 cars in the ditch!) back to Wisconsin to bible college. And if you think that was a wild start, it only got crazier from there!

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