Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween traced back to the flood over "man".

If you checked out my last post, God's chosen people, a race or religion, you will see the people who died, and why I put quotes around "man". The confusion on this point is part of what gives educated Atheists fodder for throwing out the Bible as myth.

Truth is, Genetics proves all man was not killed in a global flood, at any point in history. But there was a group calling themselves Jews that can be traced back to the location and genes of 4 founding couples, specifically 4 woman, and one man, who presumably had 3 sons in order to make 4 separate couples that populated the known world at the time. . .as shown in the link above.

Many people trace back to not just the genes from Noah, but similar myths of him too. For instance,
the Chinese sacred book of the Shu-king, speaks of Fu-hi, the Chinese Noah. Fu-hi was "born of a rainbow;" of him it was also said that he bred and saved seven kinds of animals to be used as a sacrifice. The Chinese Shu- king, translated by W. Gorn-Old and referred to by Davidson, places the date of the Chinese Deluge within the reign of the Emperor Yaou, from 2356 to 2254., which period includes the Hebrew Deluge date of 2344 B.C. Moreover, according to Mr. Gorn-Old, the Shu-king gives the Epoch of Fu-hi as 2944 B.C., which is 1056 A.K., from 4000 B.C., the beginning of Adamic Chronology. A compilation of the dates of the Patriarchs in Genesis 5 will show that Noah was born in the 1056th year from 4000 B.C., or 2944 B.C. As this is the identical date of the Epoch of Fu-hi, the identity between Fu-hi and Noah is established. Genesis 7:11 states that the Flood commenced in the 600th year of Noah's life, which added to 1056 A.K. gives the Deluge again as 1656 A.K., or 2344 B.C.

According to much archaeology and Ussher's Bible Chronology the Deluge occurred in the year 2348 B.C. This is correct to within four years, as Mr. Davidson has found from his careful analysis of Chinese, Babylonian, Hebrew, and Egyptian records, presented in his work, "Early Egypt, Babylonia and Central Asia." The correct date for the Deluge is from November 1, 2345 (Genesis 7:11), to November 11, 2344 B.C. (Genesis 8:14).

 All Saints day, Nov. 1st, All Soul's day Nov. 2nd, The day of the dead, Nov. 1st and Halloween, on Oct. 31st are still kept in commemoration of the flood. 
The flood was a local one though, not a global one. Nor would it have taken a global one to kill all those deemed "man" at the time. The biblical tale like all myths based in truth, is an obvious evolution, just as the biblical creation tale, and that of the biblical Devil as well.
While all the world was covered with water at some point in our ancient past, scientists believe, it was not at the timeline in the Bible. Even the phrase can be easiy understood in it's context and time, as the phrase always spoke of an exact location or people.

It is useless for our friends, the Fundamentalists, to get vexed on this point and quote Scripture, which says that the earth was covered. . . The Bible also says in Luke 2 "that all the world should be taxed." What is meant by this order is that all the world under Roman rule should be taxed. Rome's rule did not reach into China nor into America, and if it had the Americans would have rebelled. Looking up that phrase will show you how silly the presumption of all people dying in a global flood is.

When Genesis, therefore, speaks of the Flood covering the earth, it means that part of the earth in which the Adamites (those from Adam and Eve) lived. "God" saw that the wickedness and marrying and giving in marriage was horrible on the Earth, and yet Noah was called righteous for staying "pure in his generations." So those who were unrighteous were apparently those who sinned against God by mixing with the other nations on the earth. (Like those Cain feared, and ended up getting a wife from.) The Mongrels who came of that marriage, and others in the time of Noah, as well as the pure of other nations at that time did not know of God's laws against intermarriage though, and "where there is no law, there is no transgression," according to Paul. So they were not punished with a flood, which came in the area of the Black sea. (Where we know civilization started.)
This local flood could easily have been caused by a "God", as there was no apparent cause for the land to give away without some "help". . .thus drowning many in the valley at the time. Read more about this flood here in Wikipedia.

Honoring our drowned kin on Halloween is what the holy day (holiday) was made for. Personally, it is an easy switch for me, as even my own Grandma died on Halloween 14 years ago. I find it honoring and sobering to understand the "sins" of the past generations, which almost led to man's complete genocide. To avoid destruction in the future (whether from the natural consequences of mixing blood, or "God" coming down to destroy those who disobey again), I wish to teach others a much better way of life to pass on to their children. Keep the races pure, or please don't have kids! Please read my other posts below to understand the reasons why this isn't racism, and the natural consequences if you don't follow what is clearly taught in the Bible, and down through man's history.
Source Source

 Peace to all. . .
and have a sobering Halloween. 

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