Thursday, October 17, 2013

How to Avoid Most pregnancy, Birth & Baby Problems.

How to Avoid Most pregnancy, Birth & Baby Problems  
1. Stay away from people and places that stress you out. Pain is a function of tension, particularly during childbirth. Doctors, Midwives, friends and even family can complicate delivery by closing the birth canal by up to 30%. 
2. Avoid drugs of all kinds. Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and all but the most essential medications should be avoided completely, as they inevitably have side effects. This includes while nursing. . .as I got into in my post called :Prednisone- our story made public.
 3. Plan to breastfeed no matter what! Make a point to read the latest volume of THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING before the birth of your first child. It is put out by the La Leche League. Also make it a point to go to as many meetings as you can of your towns local chapter's LLL meetings. Robert Mendelssohn, M.D.,author of MALEpractice says "The only women who cannot breastfeed are those who have had bilateral radical mastectomies...or those who go to pediatricians." Support for childraising and nursing coming from lactation consultants or LLL leaders is way superior to that coming from Pediatricians BTW. (The latter of which I see rare use for personally.)
 4. Don't get pregnant too early or late. It is best to be pregnant when you are an adult. Better not to be an old woman, nor a girl. Risks to mother and child are greatly increased among very young and very old mothers. Also, if you are older but have already had numerous pregnancies and babies, you will have more healthy eggs longer. (Just think of all the periods you didn't have wasting your good eggs!) 
5. And speaking of timing, have a healthy space in between your children. Historically that has been a minimum of 2 years before you get pregnant. (Preferably 3 though.) Depending on how pregnancy goes, that insures enough time with the first in a crucial stage of life (presuming you are with them) and consequently no jealousy or rivalry about the new intruder. . .as well as your calcium and iron stores to be rebuilt.
 6. This is a tough order, but try to put your spouse FIRST so you will not harm your baby with the stress of a break up or emotional arguments.
 7. Go for massages and chiropractic adjustments regularly.(In my experience, the good masseuse is worth more to your health and a better bang for your buck for both preventative and not then the chiropractor. . .but should be able to tell you if the other is needed.)
 8. Take wild yam progesterone cream if you don't want miscarriages, PMS, stretch marks or baby blues. This is a wonder cream, and I have personally had it work for infertility caused from stress twice! (As stress causes a depletion in progesterone.)
 9. Eat whole foods to hunger, and very moderate amounts of anything processed. (Like canned stuff, or pre packaged stuff with more then a few ingredients.) Most pregnancy issues and defects of baby can be traced to a poor diet, which is evidenced by a fat malnourished body. Those very overweight people who start eating a good diet in pregnancy often instead of gaining weight, they actually loose it!
 10. Supplement with good stuff like kelp, herbal teas, whole salts, green drinks, Floradix iron and herbs liquid iron supplement, blackstrap molasses, and krill oil as often as your symptoms say you need or can afford, instead of the synthetic prenatals. If you want to take herbs, try to take them individually, so you can tell what works for one thing. Herbalists now say they probably work best if not combined.
11. Don't over exercise! Those who do, often have low birth weight or early babies.  Most often unless it's just because those woman are not from European descent, those woman with small or early babies are very thin and are habitual joggers or the like. They often cannot carry the baby to term if they do manage to get pregnant at all.
12. Avoid putting any foreign and unnatural substance into or on you, or your child's system or skin. This includes drugs, vaccines, soaps, lotions, ointments, herbicides and pesticides. Read up on everything, and don't trust studies that are backed by the very people who put out the junk, they are WRONG! Use natural methods and preventative instead, and avoid or if they are open to it, confront with info anyone who would challenge you to otherwise hurt your baby. . .
13 Have a competent caregiver for your pregnancy if needed, but especially the birth and postpartum. Not everyone needs help with the pregnancy, but you cannot be your own caregiver at the birth of your baby without a lot of risks. You need a caregiver who can deal with but also avoid the emergencies. Like I mentioned in #1 just feeling out of your element can cause problems, but having procedures forced onto you by caregivers looking for convenience and treating you as a number is a classic cause of problems as well. The definition of a competent caregiver is IMO, one knows how to deliver most malpositioned or large babies without the use of a knife. Sadly, you will not find that level of training in any but the specialists of natural birth: homebirth Midwives (CPM's, lay Midwives or some Doulas ). So if you feel you need the hospital, just know that their training is inferior in natural birth, and so you will likely not have one.
14. Lastly, make friends with medicinal baths, they can add to your body what tastes bad, so you don't need to eat it. They can also take away what you shouldn't have put in there in the first place. I will get into my favorite medicinal baths, and all the many options in my next post called the wonders of medicinal baths.