Thursday, October 24, 2013

How to safely and quickly detox, even if pregnant!

 In America we are bombarded by toxins, heavy metals and drugs on every corner, all of which are the cause of, or a major contributing factor to, everything from Autism to zits. Every cell in our body excretes waste material, which becomes toxic and poisonous to our bodies if it is allowed to build up faster than it can be eliminated or filtered out of the body.

 The most common symptoms of toxic buildup within the body are mental dullness, aching-stiff joints, gas and bloat, high acidity, digestive problems with the stomach and colon, acid reflux and fatigue. Because of this it is imperative to naturally detox to rid yourself of the nasty effects of impurities and toxins. Resolving these primary causes of diseases by detoxing is helped by a proper diet and exercise.

Some have asked whether detoxification could be the fountain of youth. An experiment was done with chicken cells put in a nutrient solution that was changed every day, and though those cells were suppose to live no more then 7 years, they lived 29! There was no sign of degeneration either, but the day they forgot to change out the solution, they died. The scientists concluded that cells themselves are immortal! (Maybe people should look more to detoxing and less to religion for life eternal;)

While we may not live under such ideal lab conditions as those chicken cells, by drinking plenty of water and simply sweating you can flush your system of some of the toxins you have put in, intentionally or not (by your environment) everyday. Thankfully there are plenty of other ways people have concocted up to assist in the process of flushing out more toxins, as we have more then we can handle.

Of course there are the skeptics of detoxing. . . Some claiming that you shouldn't detox at all, saying that the process is "more trouble then it's worth". They would tell you that the toxins are released into the bloodstream and only make you feel sicker. The bloodstream also allows the junk to go into the placenta of the pregnant mother to the baby as well as into the milk of the nursing mother. Consequently, many times even if a person believes detoxing is good, they would advise pregnant or nursing woman not to detox at all! It seems like getting a 2 for 1 deal would be a good idea to me though.

The skeptics are actually technically partially right, as is quite often the case. . . but in no way does that justify the avoidance of detoxing. (As usual, they only look for the problems, and only see a part of the picture.) They see that some methods of detoxing do only release the toxins into the bloodstream in their original form, and similar to how we no longer recommend inducing babies to throw up after ingesting poison (because some poisons do more harm going back up then they do going on down) people shouldn't just release the toxins, they should ideally capture them too.

Getting a massage, (as well as exercise) seems to detox the body in this less fun way, as it is enough to cause a headache or flu-like symptoms if you don't drink a lot of water directly afterwards. Yet we don't say that people should not get massages, EVER. The truth is, some ways of detoxing are more prone to side effects, and while beneficial, it may not be everyone's first choice to feel gross, before feeling better.

So, being that I have now spent a good half of my life pregnant or nursing, I like to cater to those woman who want safe and/or slower ways of detoxing. As well as those people who want painless ways of detoxing that don't send you into a "healing crisis". The good news is you do not have to always settle for ineffective or slow to be safe or painless. Baths for instance are one notoriously effective and safe way to detox.

"Detoxification of your body through bathing is an ancient remedy that anyone can perform in the comfort of their own home. In detoxification circles, your skin is known as the third kidney, and toxins are excreted through sweating."

Having a massage opens the channels of the detoxing or nutrient absorbing properties of your skin, just as colon cleansing allows toxins to exit out other ways once it is released in the bloodstream. If your skin is hydrated and exfoliated it can eliminate toxins better. So, before or in the bath, rub down your body with a loofah or brush to help to stimulate the lymphatic system, and exfoliate your skin, which can aid with the release of toxins.Then you only need to further open up or oxygenate the pores in order to further let out more junk in a bath. 

So to do that I would add hydrogen peroxide to a bath. (A small bottle of the 3% at most.) This is a time tested remedy for opening pores, oxygenating and sanitizing the body. Some will tell you that it will break down the skin with prolonged use, and in very strong doses, with a continual application, it may. This is an overkill precaution though, as no one would use it strong enough or long enough to do harm without it either being an accident or him being an idiot.

Additionally, adding ginger (powdered tea or otherwise) is an excellent way to induce a profuse sweat, opening up the pores to release or accept nutrients.

Adding Epsom salts to your bath is one cheap and easy way to detox from toxins, as well as a good way to add back magnesium, doing a world of good for your usually deficient body!
  • For children under 60 lbs, add 1/2 cup to a standard bath.
  • For children 60 lbs to 100 lbs, add 1 cup to a standard bath.
  • For people 100 lbs and up, add 2 cups or more to a standard bath.
Adding apple cider vinegar to a bath, or taking internally is also an excellent way to detox. Ancient cultures often used apple cider vinegar to purify the blood. (Taking it by the tablespoon, or bathing in a cup or two of it.)

 Apple cider vinegar is rich in natural minerals, vitamins and enzymes. Supplying these nutrients to the body is crucial to purge out toxic material. The unique acids in apple cider vinegar can bind to toxins and help the body eliminate them more effectively. They also fight bacteria, fungus and Candida.
Another way apple cider vinegar aids detoxification is by breaking up mucus throughout the body and cleansing the lymph nodes to allow for better lymph circulation. The ideal apple cider vinegar is in raw liquid form. It should be unprocessed and unfiltered, with plenty of "mother" in it. Any other kind of apple cider vinegar will be far less effective and may provide no benefits at all.

Another thing which can safely be either ingested or bathed in to detox is activated charcoal. Long before the 19th century, thousands of years ago, both the ancient Egyptians and the Greeks used it as a multi-purpose poison and disease antidote. What makes charcoal so effective is its ability to attract other substances to its surface and hold them there. It is estimated to reduce up to 60% of poisonous substances, and is still used in hospitals today!

There is unfortunately a misunderstanding of how it works though, and some people thus recommend against it's use with food, or using it very often. The controversy on activated charcoal being bad is based on the notion that it robs the body of nutrients, as well as toxins. According to several solid sources though, this is misinformation.

The confusion comes from those defending pharmaceutical drugs. Those drugs, which tend to be toxic, are removed partially or wholly, and also "nutrients" from synthetic vitamins tend to be removed. But not food nutrients. Activated charcoal knows poison from nutrients. . .some people could learn from it's wisdom.

So in other words, if it's bad for you, it takes it out of the body. If you are counting on a toxic substance to symptom control though, you won't want to take it too close to ingesting the activated charcoal, or you will get no desired effect. You could try bathing in 1/2 cup of it or in an enama though for a slower effect with the digestion of drugs.


Another great detoxing substance is Bentonite clay. Clay has been used for thousands of years by indigenous people around the world, and has passed the test of time to be a superior natural detoxification method. Bentonite clay has the ability to absorb harmful, toxic substances from within the body, tightly binding them within their molecule, and carry them out of the body. By absorbing toxins before they enter the bloodstream, clay reduces the overload of toxins that the liver and kidneys normally have to filter out. By eliminating the buildup of waste lodged in the lower colon, clay allows the body to absorb more nutrients, vitamins and minerals.
Most clays are naturally alkaline and as a result, balance the body's pH and reduce over acidity. (Which baking soda also does, as well as cleans the skin.) Clay in a bath (1/2 to 2 c.) will also draw out infections, gangrene, heavy metals and toxins. While taken internally, by mouth or enema, clay will also rid the body of parasites.

If you've ever seen the series Monsters inside me, you might be very interested in getting rid of those monsters/parasites. Clay works if ingested to do so, but it doesn't taste that great. . .so another way people detox of internal parasites is taking foodgrade Diatomaceous earth.

Some places confuse this with diatomaceous earth that is for swimming pool filters - that is definitely what you do NOT want. Foodgrade Diatomaceous earth is very cheap, looks like flour, though is gritty and it basically tasteless.

Add diatomaceous earth to your diet or an enama to detox parasites that can contribute to food intolerance, nausea, bowel discomfort, pain, itching, asthma, sinus infections, Morgellon's disease, and a host of other allergic-type reactions.

DE detoxes from mercury, cadmium, lead and other heavy metals; removes poisons from chemtrails, radiation and may alleviate the effects of GMOs. DE possesses antibacterial, anti-fungal and antiviral properties.

In addition to detoxing and destroying pathogens, diatomaceous earth helps to lower blood pressure and contributes to the production of collagen to improve skin tone, strengthening the tendons and joints.

So to recap. . . If you want to detox safely and painlessly:
  • Get regular massages, if you can, professional, but otherwise is good too.
  • At least weekly, have a 30-40 minute medicinal bath, ideally for the best results, adding all these things to it:
  1. Hydrogen peroxide (up to 1 small bottle)
  2. ginger (2 T. or 2 tea bags.)
  3. Epsom salt (1/2-2 c.)
  4. Apple cider vinegar (1-2 c.)
  5. Activated charcoal (1/2 c.)- best to carefully place it in a large closed container of hot water and shake before putting in. For a less messy application, and a better bang for your buck, try in an enema.
  6. Bentonite clay (1/2 to 2 c.)- best to carefully place it in a large, closed container of hot water and shake or blend before putting in. For a less messy application, and a better bang for your buck, try in an enema.
  7. Baking soda (1-2 cups in a bath or 1/4 teaspoon in milk or juice or water. Good mixed with apple juice and apple cider vinegar for a great health tonic.)
  • Take Diatomaceous earth (DE) or clay orally. Starting with half a teaspoon and work up to two heaping tablespoons. Mix thoroughly in four ounces of water. Drink immediately and follow with another eight ounces of water. Take on an empty stomach. Continue drinking water throughout the day, because detoxing only orally can at first cause constipation.
  • OR, if you can't stand that, take Diatomaceous earth (1 T.) and/or clay (2 T.) and/or activated charcoal (1 T.) in an enema. -Ideally with the addition of coffee (2 T.), and 2 c. water. Boiled and strained and cooled. Taken at the rate of one enema per week for 4 weeks; then 2 per week for 4 weeks to get the whole life cycle of the parasites.-
And if all that doesn't cure you of what ails ya in short order, I don't know what will!

Friday, October 18, 2013

So you know "THE TRUTH" huh?

As my readers may know, I spent around 5 years in what even most religious people would call a cult. I know now that all non-mainstream religion is cult- like in it's definition, but that's another post. . .
Anyhow, in communicating with one of my friends who recently left the cult, this statement was made, "THE only Truth left is The Holy Scriptures and I will stand on that for sure, I also will not debate the Word of God....I guess one could say I am narrow minded, because I will only accept what comes out of "The Word" as Truth...I will not accept what most do as not sin when it is....that would leave me going against the WORD and I will not do that....I know there is NONE other under the sun but, JESUS(YESHUA)....I now know what and how cults do and are, and WILL NOT get stuck in that again. Yes, we made a mistake getting involved, [in a cult] but, am glad I am not there anymore.... " 

I find it interesting that though previous discussions with my friend showed she was sure that she had changed to be nonjudgemental by simply leaving the cult, by what she said here though it is clear that she hadn't. Note the key phrases claiming to have "truth", admitting to be narrow minded, and unteachable. Even worse though, she claims to not accept "most" people's standards as ok, and says they are sinning, when she is not. " I will not accept what most do as not sin when it is." Talk about setting yourself against culture and society! Sadly, now she is a law unto herself, and with no set standards so she can fellowship, she is actually worse off socially now!!

 Note the key phrases there where she is claiming to have "truth", admitting to be narrow minded, and being closed to debate, which equals to being unteachable?  This is a self induced cult mindset! Yet what did she say? "I now know what and how cults do and are, and WILL NOT get stuck in that again. Yes, we made a mistake getting involved, [in a cult] but, am glad I am not there anymore.... "  Incredible! She doesn't see it! 

 Is this unusual? I doubt it. Why would I think that you ask? Because I did the same thing basically when I left the cult and went into another branch of religion. I was convinced that now I had found the right path of "truth". As long as I went to a church with a solid doctrinal statement I was saying that this was the truth, and others who disagreed were mistaken or worse, not led of the Spirit, and consequently probably not saved.

 Only now have I studied science and found that each person's perception of reality and truth is on par with a personal hologram! Reality is not full of truths, but opinions and perceptions. To say anything but, only shows your misunderstanding of how the world and the mind works. That is predictable in religion though, as science and psychology is looked down upon, but especially if it disagrees with your preconceived notions based on your translation of the Bible. . . which also has to go through the filter of your reality.

 Is it really any wonder then that no two religious people agree on even the basics in the Bible without having to set up rules and solid statements of faith? At that point, they have subjected themselves to control in a cult-like setting. Even if they agree on the statement of faith at the time though, as a thinking adult, you can't account for growth and wisdom or knowledge coming in later life and changing your mind about something. Sadly, in a setting like that you are forced to close your mind to new information, lest you change and loose everything you have counted on as truth. (Not to mention loosing your friends and community!) What really is lost that matters though? Your pride. Isn't that a good thing to loose though?!

Just think, if everyone in the world could say, "I've been wrong before, and I could be mistaken now in my perceptions, so I will consider what you say and weigh the evidence." What wars would fizzle out, what bigotry would dry up! Humility is a wonderful thing, but as much as it is preached in all religions, it is impossible to have while staunchly in it! Although some stand very loosely on their beliefs being almost Agnostic Christians. . . not claiming to know the truth, but hoping they do. 

Those folks are easy to love and live with, but are not too common. Reason being, open minded and humble people with any curiosity will find out with a short time of concerted study that the evidence points to a much different perception of religion than has historically been held as of late. Leading them into being Agnostics or Atheists, but not always openly. Find a religious person with those qualities though, and I'll bet they are not feeling they belong in their church. (Or they no longer go, or have a homechurch.) This has been my experience, and numerous Christians who confided in me too, but I'm sure there are exceptions. I would love to hear others experiences though. So please comment. and thanks for reading as always.

Thursday, October 17, 2013

The wonders of medicinal baths!

            The wonders of medicinal baths!

I come from a family who love baths. While most of my friends growing up had mostly showers, I thought of showers as what only those in a stressed and hurried lifestyle would have to choose. My family lived an unusual life where both parents stayed home. . .My family was in a full time Christian  ministry to kids.

Our not well off family was probably the least likely to own a jetted tub growing up, and yet we did. My Dad built a custom coach out of a 40 foot greyhound bus, and in it he put a wee little, deep, jetted tub. Regular bubble baths were a highlight of my early life!

So when I left home and my husband eventually built us a home, some 7 years ago, I insisted we put in a jetted tub, with a view, in a huge bathroom. (We had 6 or 7 people in there at one point when I had a baby in that tub, if that gives you an idea of the size. . .) Sadly we had to move, but each move I have wanted a deep tub at very least. At my latest house I have another huge jetted tub, in which I recently got to birth another child! So to say the least, baths are important to me and my family. . .though I've had to ease my hubby into them, as he didn't grow up with them.

Why are medicinal baths so important to me? Numerous reasons!! Your skin is the largest organ in our body, if you didn't already know it. Through our skin we detox our body from 60% of our junk. (The rest being expelled by our bowels, bladder or occasionally by throwing up.) So you have your choice in your method of detoxing from the germs when you are sick: having the runs, throwing up, or sweating it out your skin in a bath. . .

Furthermore, we are able to put stuff into our bodies through the absorption of our skin, which acts like a million little mouths. Can't bring yourself to take apple cider vinegar? No problem! Bathe in it! Like the benefits of baking soda for ph balancing and deoderizing but hate it in drinks? No problem! Bathe in it!

There are probably hundreds of things you can add to your bath to customize your bath to your needs, but here are some general ideas of the best ones:

  • Epsom salt 1-2 cups
  • magnesium flakes 1 cup
  • Himalayan salt 1/2 cup
  • tea tree oil-  a few drops. 
  • Baking soda 1-2 cups
  • vinegar 1-2 cups
  • Bentonite clay 1/2 to 2 cups
  • Activated charcoal 1/2 cup
  • colloidal oatmeal 1-2 packages
  • herbs in a bag or loose as desired or
  • essential oils 15 drops
  • honey-1/2-1 cup
  • Milk-1 cup
  • ground ginger or ginger tea-1 tablespoon to 1/3 cup can be added.(Most people sweat profusely with the addition of the ginger, and if you wrap your body in a blanket immediately after getting out of the tub, you can continue to detoxify through perspiration for another couple of hours. This is especially beneficial if you are trying to get rid the body of a bug of some sort of disease, like the flu, or a cold.)
  • hydrogen peroxide 1-2 cups to open the pores, kill infections and oxygenate the body.

    How to take a detoxing bath
  • Fill the tub with as hot water as you can handle.
  • Plan for at least a 30 minute bath. The first 20 minutes are said to help your body remove the toxins, while the rest of the time is for absorbing the minerals in the water.
  • Try to get all the benefits of a relaxing bath by having good smells, good sounds (music) and candles.
  • Try to drink before or during as well as after a detox in the bath, in a similar way that you need to drink after a detoxing massage, or you will feel sick and/or have a headache. You are releasing a lot of toxins, and depending on what you put in your bath, they may just be released into your bloodstream to be later flushed out. . .consequently making you feel tired or feverish after the bath. 
  • Best to plan to wrap up and sleep after the bath, to continue the sweating and detox.
  • You won't want to get your hair in this kind of a bath, and you may need to rinse off in the shower afterwards anyways, so that would be a better time to wash your hair. (Ideally using the "no pooing method" which is a shampoo and conditioner that also detox!)
  • Put in whatever combination you want, there will be no contra indications with this natural stuff.  (Other then some claim diabetics may feel sick by using Epsom salts.) I would give you more specifics as to the benefits of each individual ingredient, but this would get much too long. So I'll just pretend for a minute that you are 1. a relatively knowledgable reader as to the properties of most of these things, and/or 2. able and willing to do a quick search about the benefits of ----------in baths.
  • Use a brush to scrub all the dead skin off, preferably in the rinsing shower afterwards. . .
  • Carefully get out, (watching for faintness) and pat dry.
  • Use an oil or lotion on dry spots if desired.
  • Go to bed or take it easy. 
And that method is what you do as an easy way to get rid of germs, bugs and most any inner or outer problem of the body. Easy peasy.

How to Avoid Most pregnancy, Birth & Baby Problems.

How to Avoid Most pregnancy, Birth & Baby Problems  
1. Stay away from people and places that stress you out. Pain is a function of tension, particularly during childbirth. Doctors, Midwives, friends and even family can complicate delivery by closing the birth canal by up to 30%. 
2. Avoid drugs of all kinds. Alcohol, cigarettes, caffeine and all but the most essential medications should be avoided completely, as they inevitably have side effects. This includes while nursing. . .as I got into in my post called :Prednisone- our story made public.
 3. Plan to breastfeed no matter what! Make a point to read the latest volume of THE WOMANLY ART OF BREASTFEEDING before the birth of your first child. It is put out by the La Leche League. Also make it a point to go to as many meetings as you can of your towns local chapter's LLL meetings. Robert Mendelssohn, M.D.,author of MALEpractice says "The only women who cannot breastfeed are those who have had bilateral radical mastectomies...or those who go to pediatricians." Support for childraising and nursing coming from lactation consultants or LLL leaders is way superior to that coming from Pediatricians BTW. (The latter of which I see rare use for personally.)
 4. Don't get pregnant too early or late. It is best to be pregnant when you are an adult. Better not to be an old woman, nor a girl. Risks to mother and child are greatly increased among very young and very old mothers. Also, if you are older but have already had numerous pregnancies and babies, you will have more healthy eggs longer. (Just think of all the periods you didn't have wasting your good eggs!) 
5. And speaking of timing, have a healthy space in between your children. Historically that has been a minimum of 2 years before you get pregnant. (Preferably 3 though.) Depending on how pregnancy goes, that insures enough time with the first in a crucial stage of life (presuming you are with them) and consequently no jealousy or rivalry about the new intruder. . .as well as your calcium and iron stores to be rebuilt.
 6. This is a tough order, but try to put your spouse FIRST so you will not harm your baby with the stress of a break up or emotional arguments.
 7. Go for massages and chiropractic adjustments regularly.(In my experience, the good masseuse is worth more to your health and a better bang for your buck for both preventative and not then the chiropractor. . .but should be able to tell you if the other is needed.)
 8. Take wild yam progesterone cream if you don't want miscarriages, PMS, stretch marks or baby blues. This is a wonder cream, and I have personally had it work for infertility caused from stress twice! (As stress causes a depletion in progesterone.)
 9. Eat whole foods to hunger, and very moderate amounts of anything processed. (Like canned stuff, or pre packaged stuff with more then a few ingredients.) Most pregnancy issues and defects of baby can be traced to a poor diet, which is evidenced by a fat malnourished body. Those very overweight people who start eating a good diet in pregnancy often instead of gaining weight, they actually loose it!
 10. Supplement with good stuff like kelp, herbal teas, whole salts, green drinks, Floradix iron and herbs liquid iron supplement, blackstrap molasses, and krill oil as often as your symptoms say you need or can afford, instead of the synthetic prenatals. If you want to take herbs, try to take them individually, so you can tell what works for one thing. Herbalists now say they probably work best if not combined.
11. Don't over exercise! Those who do, often have low birth weight or early babies.  Most often unless it's just because those woman are not from European descent, those woman with small or early babies are very thin and are habitual joggers or the like. They often cannot carry the baby to term if they do manage to get pregnant at all.
12. Avoid putting any foreign and unnatural substance into or on you, or your child's system or skin. This includes drugs, vaccines, soaps, lotions, ointments, herbicides and pesticides. Read up on everything, and don't trust studies that are backed by the very people who put out the junk, they are WRONG! Use natural methods and preventative instead, and avoid or if they are open to it, confront with info anyone who would challenge you to otherwise hurt your baby. . .
13 Have a competent caregiver for your pregnancy if needed, but especially the birth and postpartum. Not everyone needs help with the pregnancy, but you cannot be your own caregiver at the birth of your baby without a lot of risks. You need a caregiver who can deal with but also avoid the emergencies. Like I mentioned in #1 just feeling out of your element can cause problems, but having procedures forced onto you by caregivers looking for convenience and treating you as a number is a classic cause of problems as well. The definition of a competent caregiver is IMO, one knows how to deliver most malpositioned or large babies without the use of a knife. Sadly, you will not find that level of training in any but the specialists of natural birth: homebirth Midwives (CPM's, lay Midwives or some Doulas ). So if you feel you need the hospital, just know that their training is inferior in natural birth, and so you will likely not have one.
14. Lastly, make friends with medicinal baths, they can add to your body what tastes bad, so you don't need to eat it. They can also take away what you shouldn't have put in there in the first place. I will get into my favorite medicinal baths, and all the many options in my next post called the wonders of medicinal baths.

Friday, October 4, 2013

God was right!

Genesis 2:17 Says: " But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die." Some Christians believe this to be literal, as they do most everything else in the Bible. . . others figurative, in a spiritual sort of way. So let's look at this from both angles!

If God meant for a perfect paradise with people and animals never dying, (we could presume for consistency that the death of plants would also go with that) and children already being born, apparently, we could also guess that the "curse" of "pain with childbirth" was not speaking of childbirth itself, . .that would mean that according to the Bible, "God's perfect design for this planet was everything reproducing, but not dying.

So, how long do you think it would have taken for the space and food on earth to have run out? People would be piled on eachother in a living Hell, with no food, and nothing decomposing. It's kind of a freaky thought actually! Death is an integral part of a plant's life cycle, and without it we could not have seeds, or dying plants fertilizing the next generation of plants. Dare I suggest that it would be just as bad if we didn't have the same cycle of life and death for animals and people?

So was "God" just making an idle threat of a life cycle, that he knew would happen anyhow, or did he even plan it, and thus put the tree in a tempting place as a test he knew they would fail? Because if not, what is your option? God then is either short sighted, or manipulative and lying to boot! (Because they did not die in the day that they ate of the fruit.) So if you ask me, it is quite illogical to take that verse literally. (Of course, the rest of Genesis is suppose to be literal though right. . .?)

So let's say that the verse meant that we would die spiritually. . .define "spiritual" for me then, because most of those who claim this spiritual life through a later saving belief and trust in Jesus are not what anyone else looking at them would call spiritual! Whereas others who call themselves "spiritual" (dare I say even myself or hubby) live to the best of their ability to be in harmony with nature and the spirit of it. . .while denying any worship of God, in the commonly understood definition of him anyhow.

I'll tell you what I think that verse really means though: The Snake gives us a clue. In Genesis 3:4 it says: "And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die: 5 For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil."

(Notice the part "ye shall be as gods", is not singular, similar to God's own words in the 10 commandments: "Though shalt have no other gods before you." Very different from there are no other gods. This is something I discussed in more detail in my posts of the past on "God's names and what they mean". Read up on the Hebrews pantheon of gods elsewhere too, they closely resemble the ones of the other nations around them and before them.)

According to this Serpent then (which has absolutely no connection with the mythical and invented Satan BTW, which I also discuss in my past post "Are god and Satan one and the same?") this passage is to be spiritually understood. So the tree is knowledge! And when you understand knowledge, you see that you are like gods. And alone can know good from bad without any teacher/pastor. (Which interestingly John also taught in 1 John 2:27.)

 That you can be like the gods is no heretical statement though, as Jesus himself said it! "Jesus replied, "It is written in your own Scriptures that God said to certain leaders of the people, 'I say, you are gods!' (In John 10:34.) These people he spoke to would have been past the Egyptian "time of the gods", but related to the pharaohs, as I have discussed in my series on the RH- blooded kings of the past and now.

While it's kind of an envied position and special to be as gods, it also brings jealousy, and a "curse" on those with less power but gods nonetheless. You see, the gods have always sought secrecy, and to keep their wisdom and knowledge to themselves. . .which is why the secret (family) societies have always been the ones controlling the world through politics. . .just like today. (The scull and bones society also known as the Illuminati, trains all the powerful leaders of the world, and they not only can be traced back to a few recent families, but through their RH- blood we can see that they go back to one family stemming from the Neanderthals!).

So, back to the idle (?) threat from the top god in Genesis 2:17. . .
Does knowledge make us die? Not the last time I checked. Will it make us like the gods? In a sense, yes. Will it nonetheless make us live with threats of death and socially suffer "death" because of others. . .those without the knowledge that they are just as much a god as the one they worship?

 So in that sense, God was right; in the literal day that I "ate" of the knowledge, and spoke of it to my friends or family, unlike Adam didn't leave Eve, I was rejected, and "died" to whom I had been to them.

It is unfortunately both predictable, and understandable though. . . we always fear what we don't understand. Consequently, fear brings distrust and anger because of insecurity about our own intelligence, understanding, knowledge and beliefs.

Sadly, to confirm this, Atheists are the most distrusted minority. So you have the choice to either live in denial of your knowledge and have friends, or "come out of the closet" and lose everything you count dear. . .in essence, dying to who you are.

I am a person of conviction, principle, and a big mouth:) So, I unfortunately couldn't hold it in for long, but I know of those who have to live a lie in order to keep a job, or good standing with important or influential people. Choosing that life, they hide who they really are. . .so sad! Someday, maybe true enlightenment and understanding can come, and with that, knowledge and acceptance that what Jesus said to the leaders then was and is still true today. . .we/they are gods! (Don't feel too special though, and like this is necessarily speaking to you. . . quoting one of my favorite movies- the princess Bride- "I do not think that word [God] means what you think it means.")

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Considering an "Unassisted childbirth"?

In dedication to my little (actually, 10 lbs. 5 oz. at birth) newborn Jayson, I want to educate the world on unassisted birth. (How he was brought into the world.)

Like me, more and more women are choosing to give birth at home without the assistance of doctors or certified midwives. And although this may shock and frighten some people, contrary to popular opinion, unassisted birth can actually be safer than assisted birth. When a woman is not interfered with, either physically by the assistant's hand (constant checking, monitoring, drugs, etc.) or psychologically by her own mind (fear, shame, and guilt), babies are often born quickly and easily.

 If you didn't already know this, an unassisted homebirth, otherwise known as a "traditional homebirth" , freebirth or "Unassisted childbirth"( "UC" for short) is not actually always totally unassisted, but is simply a birth not assisted by a licensed and certified professional. Most cases of UC that I have heard of have experienced or trained help though. Sometimes that help comes in the form of lay or training Midwives, Doulas or even nurses. . .often as well as a Mother or Mother in law, friend and usually the husband as well.

Some people do just UC at the birth, and get prenatal care, others do both unassisted pregnancy and childbirth. I only felt comfortable doing this now on my 5th baby, and frankly don't understand the mindset that wants to be completely alone the first time. Unassisted pregnancy and childbirth, especially the truly alone type, is definitely not for everyone, and I would be very concerned if many of you tried it! That said, you might be one of those who are ready to consider it as an option, so first let's talk about the legal ramifications. . .

While in some backwards states homebirth with even certified professional Midwives (CPM's) is still unregulated or even illegal, UC is surprisingly legal in every state! (As there is no way to prove that it didn't happen accidentally with a short labor.) So while you could not be prosecuted for neglect in the case of an emergency hospital transfer, or a bad outcome, often a certified or even lay Midwife is. Strangely though the line between lay Midwife (illegal in most states) and Doula (legal everywhere) is very fine and sketchy. Because of this, woman get away with their caregiver/Midwife coming with them to the hospital (unpersecuted) IF they are named as the mothers' Doula, and don't have a bunch of equipment with them.

Considering the legal issues and controversy surrounding CPM's and certified nurse midwives (CNM's) in some States, some choose to go solo simply based on this. Others, feeling they have no choice, because they cannot have the natural birth they want in a small local hospital (or even at home with some CPM's or CNM's) simply because they had a c-section before choose an UC. Other times the location a person is in just may not have a close enough Midwife, of any sort. Or the person wants more control, or they feel that intervention is dangerous or unneeded. Sometimes they are a professional themselves, or feel that they are good at caring for their own health themselves. Sometimes it is a case of cost being the issue as well. So for these reasons, and many more, people have had Unassisted childbirth (UC).

 I was one of those who simply saw no need for extra certified help in either the pregnancy or birth. I am also a bit of a control freak, and was not about to give control of my life or baby this last time to anyone else if I could help it. . .

 I nonetheless consider myself both well connected to and supported by the midwifery community, as well as well informed, and very healthy.  I have also seen numerous other homebirths (besides my own), studied Midwifery for many years (alone and with a study group) and am CPR and first aid certified, so was very well prepared. . .not everyone cares to be so involved and take that much responsibility though I understand.

 I also have a very knowledgable Doula friend who had assisted alongside a homebirth Midwife for years before starting nursing school. (She was at my birth, along with others and was very good. If you are in the VA area, and want an assistant, look her up through messaging me.) I had my cheat sheets, lists of supplies, herbals and descriptions and usages and individualized assistant instructions written out to the smallest details, (forms, lists and plans that I can also send in a message or e-mail if anyone needs them.) and with slight exceptions they were followed to a tee. (And also a transfer plan for both me and baby, with a birth plan written out for that case too.)

 I was done with feeling like a sick patient in labor, and like the baby and I had to be checked for position and life constantly. (It seemed very untrusting and pessimistic and the worry and stress it all caused was doing no good I knew.) I was in charge of nothing in labor it seemed in the past, even to some extent in my Homebirths with a CPM. So now finally with my last baby (my 5th living one) I struck out with an UC. My birth went unhindered, and better then any of my others at the hospital or home with a hired professional. I have no regrets.

What was the big deal you ask, that i would choose such an unconventional birth? What was even different about the birth then with an assisted birth with a CPM or CNM you ask? Well, for those curious of UC and pregnancy, I'll give you the nitty gritty of what I did, and why.

 In pregnancy I charted my typical signs and symptoms, but honestly only for accountability and curiosity. I also wanted to look legit in filling in the blanks on a sheet I got from a friend CPM. . . To tell the truth though, I really saw no need for any of it!

So what do your typical caregivers normally check that I now did?
  1. Checking for weight.
Think about it, why worry about your weight gain if you are eating healthy food, and you are growing? If you are not gaining by the second trimester, that is an issue, but other then not gaining enough, a healthy woman  with a good diet should not be concerned with gaining too much. I have gained 45 to 50 lbs each time and just had big babies.

    2. urine sticks.

If you feel no issues with your bladder and feel good, why check your urine? I have had a few CPM's now tell me that the urine sticks are an old formality that rarely help with diagnosing anything, so I believe them. That said, I happen to have bought them in the past to check the PH of my family, so I did use them occasionally.

   3. Taking my blood pressure.

My blood pressure is classically low. . .too low, so I have had no worries about high BP and didn't take it more then when I visited Walmart a few times, and when a few of my friends wanted practice.

  4. Measuring my fundus.

So if I measured a little small (which I never do) I would know I might be a little off my mark on the bottom or top, or it's not a growth spurt time for baby. If I measured a little big, I would know that it is normal for me and likely not twins. Either way, as I do the fertility charting, I know my dates, and have never been off them much. (Though classically I was around 2 weeks late of my due date.) At worst case scenario, if the measurements were more then a little off, I would simply take myself in for an ultrasound to confirm life, growth and or twins. (The same thing a Midwife or doctor has and would do.)

   5. Ultrasounds.

There is no evidence that regular and routine ultrasounds help a pregnancy in any way, and to the contrary, there is evidence that they harm some cells in their formative stages. Particularly the ones in a baby girls ovaries, effecting the next generation. Though the studies have been covered up and people have been silenced. . .because the tests are a huge money maker! (In my area, each one not covered by insurance costs $800.00)

   6. Listening for babies heart tones.

This I could do (with borrowed equipment) but mostly others did with a fetoscope (for practice) but honestly I saw little use in it either. . . Besides after a diagnosis of a live baby, only in the rare case of distress in the womb before a miscarriage (because of a cord or placenta hemorrhage or some strange thing) does measuring heart tones actually give a better survival rate for the baby. . . but only if you just happen to check at the exact time it was happening. . .which is usually pretty sudden. So in the end, up until labor it is pretty much only good for connecting with baby and to tell us it's alive. . .something most mom's can feel pretty well from week 15 or so.

   7. Testing

The tests doctors put you through are predominantly about how good your diet and health is, which if you already know your issues, or don't have them, you can feel free to skip. For first babies, or if you aren't in a stable relationship, you may want some of those tests once at least, but they are something you can get yourself through a clinic or doctors office usually. Sometimes the pregnancy crisis centers offer them for free! I got my iron checked in all of my pregnancies, as that tends to be my issue, but I would think a test for all the vitamins and minerals you can do would be ideal! The better you can eat, and follow your actual needs and symptoms, the better off you and baby will be.

   8. Interventions.

From position checks, sweeping the membranes, cervical checks and breaking the bag of waters to shots of pitocin, oxygen, or tests and procedures for baby; all are at best useless or controversial and at worst dangerous.
   9. palpitation.

Checking for position, or two babies is unreliable at best (As I found putting myself in the hands of numerous assistants and Midwives one night and not telling them what the others felt.) It is somewhat reliable and useful in labor, but hopefully if you have been paying attention, and are at all good at feeling baby parts yourself, you will be just as good as the Midwife for telling where feet are and where the head is. . .though even when the baby is in a good position in labor it can change. (And vise versa.) So basically, it is simply for fun or curiosity and out of tradition that people do it. . .doctors do not do it at all.

 10. Advice

I found Midwives to know a lot about herbs, natural fixes and give good counsel as a general rule, but through a few good online resources I could also save myself the trouble of remembering to ask them stuff at the appointment time.

So, speaking of resources, If (preferably after having one or more assisted homebirths) you are considering going without professional help for your next pregnancy and/or birth, you will want many resources at your finger tips, much like I gave in my last post What you need for homebirth to be safe.

Some skills and things you will need for starters are:

  1.  A knowledge of how and what to google when you have a question. As well as sources to trust. . .
  2.  Wise (usually) older woman friends or family to ask counsel of or be a part of a study group for midwifery, etc.
  3.  You and (one of) your planned birth assistant(s) being trained somewhat, having taken at least a course in baby CPR/first aid and preferably Neonatal Resuscitation. Also having some knowledge of Emergency Childbirth.  (Preferably like knowing warning signs and how to assist to deliver stuck babies.)
  4. A few basic supplies (Everyone has different ideas of what one's are best, but the basics are really mostly for comfort for mom and cleanliness for the area in my opinion.)
  5.  Natural remedies on hand for energy, electrolyte balance, blood loss, hemorrhage, trauma of tissue. . .these do no good though without well written out instructions for the assistant if they don't know their use, and you aren't in a frame of mind to tell her/him or remember.
  6. A good chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist or herbalist friend to run things by and get help from in the case of a breech baby, hips or tailbone out (hampering the decent of the baby) or otherwise before the birth. They can also be important in helping with recovery for you AND the baby and with signing some forms to get a birth certificate afterwards.
  7. A plan for in the case of a hospital transfer, and a willingness to go if needed.
  8. Good sites for info to assist you in both prenatal and your overall health like:
  • Do-it-Yourself Prenatal Care
  • Born Free! - "Laura Shanley's Unassisted Childbirth page." 
  • Cure and Cure "Educating instead of Medicating" - Pages and pages of information, forums, articles and downloads about cleansing and curing an enormous array of conditions. Lots of info about iodine, mercury fillings, liver cleanses, parasites and so on. On the day I happened to add these links, these two sites had 7,566 and 11,188 visitors respectively online at that moment! Lots of activity and sharing of information.
  • Dr. Joseph Mercola - His web site is over 10 years old and contains a true wealth of health related information. His newsletter has over 800,000 subscribers and brings a broad range of up to the minute health news, research and analysis to your inbox. Dr. Mercola's web site also now delivers a blog, videos, offers a few select products and maintains a community dedicated to creating health. This is a great resource.
  • Earth Clinic - Folk Remedies and Holistic Cures - This large and informative site is one of the top ten most viewed alternative health sites on the web. What is very interesting and refreshing here is that much of the information comes from people writing in. You aren't just reading "expert opinions" here. What you are reading is reports of actual experiences of actual people actually using these remedies.
  •  And don't forget, I have a ton more good sites specifically geared for educating people on homebirth in my last post called:  What you need for homebirth to be safe.
What you don't need is permission from your friends, or family, even your husband. (I know, those religious people will hate this lack of submission here, but as you can see in the rest of my blog, that didn't work for me.) This is your birth, and just as all mammals do, you need to be in a comfortable place, and doing what you need to do to feel safe. If that's being alone, with hubby or just a few good friends, it's the most relaxed and that makes it the safest place for you to birth.