Monday, January 27, 2014

On the question of slavery or rights? Part 1

Lately in studying the Declaration of independence to become an American citizen, I came again upon this thought of "unalienable rights". This is not a term I have often hear, and if you're like me, you likely have thought very little of it. What does unalienable rights even mean?! Well, the word "unalienable", or "inalienable" means "impossible to take away or give up." So the declaration of independence was based on the belief that as humans, presumably only we specifically have the right to "life, liberty [freedom] and the pursuit of happiness." While that's all good and fine, humans have had a long history of not respecting that in other species. Zoos, livestock and pets are prime examples of this. And I'm not sure how I feel about this myself. . .

We have tamed and made dogs, cats, horses, cows and more to be selectively bred for our whims, consequently weakening the animal's gene pool. As well we have caged and trained other more exotic animals in circuses, zoos and aquariums. . .being thus in captivity and dependent on us for their basic needs makes them in every respect our slaves. Do we think this is ok, just because we perceive ourselves to be superior, or because we are dominant or a different species (defined by not being able to breed with them)? Seriously?

 It is one thing to consider what you would do with the animal recently taken from the wild, but what about the second or more generation, that's been domesticated and pampered and is unlikely to survive back in their natural habitat? Anything we have domesticated from the wild has sadly become unfit to be safely returned back to their habitat. This inability to fend for themselves and the dependent mindset that goes with it can be seen not just in the animals we have domesticated, but also in the black slaves we originally took from Africa.

If we placed the ancestors of those slaves today back in the jungle, where their relatives still roam and their fathers were comfortable living not too long back, they would not likely survive. Like a dog looks to his owner for everything, we can still see the carry-over of that dependent slave mentality with the Southern blacks' dependence on the government. Without the government's help, I wonder what would happen to many who's greatest ambition seems to be sitting on the porch of their rental house . . .

So, the dilemma is with animals now, as it was with black slaves of the past: do you give them their freedom, and doom them to their death in the free wild, or keep them and make sure they don't have babies to further the cruel cycle, like we do when we "lovingly" neuter pets? Do we think controlling pets reproduction is right, and merciful, lest their offspring (like cats or dogs) have to live on the cruel streets? Often slaves were forbidden to marry, or sterilized just like our pets now. Do we think euthanizing the violent or defective pet is ok, as they will inevitably have a poor quality of life being dependent, but not desirable or likely desired? Is it in the best interest for them, and us both? Or is it morally wrong? This is similar to a slave being killed for punching a white man, or even a white mentally handicapped or person deemed as unfit to breed being sterilized. . .a thing done in this country not too far back. Is this good for the individual or the whole? Is it justified, or wrong? Our answer to these questions may be very telling. . .

These are the ethical questions our ancestors faced down through the ages concerning their slaves or servants. . .We often presume they were easy questions, and look down on good men like Thomas Jefferson for his choice to keep slaves, but I'm sure that it was not a light matter! To bring it closer to home, here is a pretty comparable situation today: if we took away welfare, medicaid, WIC, foodstamps, shelters, food pantries, planned parenthood, etc. and sent the poor Blacks of the inner city back to Africa, with only the clothes on their backs, how loving is that? Apparently good men like Thomas Jefferson felt it was better to retain and care for the slaves, then set them loose. How dare we judge him for slavery if we think it's fine to have slaves /pets. animals in captivity too?! "Oh, but humans are different then mere animals" you say. . ."humans have rights!" God gave them we are told.

In the declaration of independence it not only says that all humans have these rights, but that these rights like freedom, were endowed by our creator or were "God given". Historically speaking, this is hilarious!! God condoned not condemned slavery in the Bible, as well as racism, sexism and agism.  Even the Jews, God's chosen people had few rights or freedoms and I see little for freedom or rights for today's Christian either, as they are said to be a "servant of God"!! This is in the Old and New Testament. It only gets worse for other "nations" of people though. . .

The reason that the founding fathers of America could write in the declaration of independence about all "men" being created equal by God, and with the right of "liberty"/freedom, then promptly buy more black slaves from Africa, is because. . . they simply did not call Blacks "human". . . until recently. Is that a shock? The reason is complex, and actually deeper then just prejudice.

"Even if the science of human origins is still a work in progress, the accumulating information about how we got here and indeed what constitutes a member of the human race offers some useful perspectives on matters of scientific and ethical importance."

What DNA and science now tells us of human origins is very complex, but I'll save that for my next post called: The story of creation. . .as seen by an Atheist/evolutionist. Part 2

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Here's how it goes in a typical debate with an redneck Christian.

I try to keep my FB to people who know me, my back ground and even like me for my character, strength and opinions preferably. . .even if not all of them. My friends generally appreciate a good debate, as it's an education to both parties. My friends generally can be taught, and love the flow of information. That said, sometimes I have a friend from a few local groups I go to as a ministry. These friends often don't know what I think about religion, but respect my knowledge of other things and think I'm wise, so friends me.  Little do they know that I'm "the internet cop", and will freely correct the judgmental and wrong things they post. Out of respect my friends who know me will classically keep quiet and listen, while their friends and family rip me to shreds. So, let me give you an example of the intelligence and rational responses an Atheist like me can expect from your typical Duck Dynasty defending sort of Christian. Quote:

" I think any person who is dumb enough to not even beleive in JESUS . . .is simply a lost soul that I pitty."

"[Debating is] Not worth my time I only reference king james version if its something that is of importance." (Anyone who has studied the King James, or it's history will know that it is a dead argument, and only used by the most closeminded individuals, as it has been debunked for a long time with new archaeological evidence.)

(His wife, my friend) . "He's busy at work and doesn't have time to debate. " (Excuse for why he has no answers, even while commenting.)

"And some things you can't have the answers to and I think that's why you struggle with understanding us Christians. There's some things your just not supposed to know or undrstand, which is a hard pill for scientific minded people like yourself to swallow."

(I don't understand Christians? I was one for most of my life! There may be some things we cannot know, but I am fine with those things being unanswered. . .religion is hardly one of them, we have solid answers now, as I have blogged on.)

(Husband)  "If u need answers and facts then pick up a king james bible and start reaeading and if that does answer all of your questions and doubt then read it again and if it still doesnt then it may be u just dont want to understand it. " ". . .I will not debate this any further. This does not make me a coward how ever it does make me feel saddened to know there is another lost soul."

(Another reference to how all he reads is the KJV and as he will not approve of or read any of my other sources I referenced, like stats from Pew forum or Wikipedia, it was seeming pointless to debate him. Although I used the KJV against him too. . .)

"Folks like you and google is whats wrong with this world today, believing everything u read on the internet is of no educational value! Which its very obvious your education was found threw internet search engines!"

(So I gave him some more stats on the educational value of the internet education, and how Atheists score higher on tests of intelligence and Bible knowledge then religious folks.)

"Once again believe everything u see or read on the internet. That explains your true lack of intelligence and the absense of a true and real loving God in your sorry and pitiful life. I hope some day you will be educated with facts and truth instead of theories."

(If you cannot see a pattern here, let me enlighten you as to the classic type who debates Atheists online these days. . .uneducated, nasty, pig headed Christians.)

(So he finally goes to a source on the internet -shock of all shocks-and tries to fight fire with fire, looking up a word I challenged him to be.) "Skeptic- a person who maintains a doubting attitude as towards plans, values, statements, or the charecter of others! Sounds like a very negetive and judgmental person to me."

(So for one, he hasn't learned how to copy and paste apparently, or spell check, as he couldn't even spell on his quote! Two, he sees no value in questioning himself or others.)

The Mother: "Who are you madam to write such unintelligent, hypocritical hogwash. . .Back off cause u want an intelligent biblical battle I can help u learn a thing or two. What a half witted individual and u say u have morals....alrighty then."

Hypocritical and immoral must be a particularly sore subject and be brought up a lot to this woman, as it was totally inappropriate here. And what's worse, after her brag of being ready to debate, all she did was fling insults, and never gave a single bit of info.)

Sadly, this is one thing that made me go towards Atheism from the start, the moral, nice, intelligent and educated folks as a rule were not the Christians in any debate I saw online. This is one example of many abuses I have received for sharing stats and facts about our world with those who want to believe reality to be different then it is. Is it any wonder that Atheists have a high suicide rate for being the most hated and distrusted minority?

Monday, January 6, 2014

Mainstream Christianity admitting to aliens? That's not all!

So, if you have been reading my blog much you will have seen that I am an unusual mix of Atheist and Christian, as I admit to the history of the Bible (even if a little askewed), but deny any magic or perfection about it. The gods of every religion I am convinced had their origin in the same small group of individuals, not so unlike myself, but from a different planet. The newest evidence has done a lot to prove this theory too. As I will discuss in a future post.

This concept of "God" as an ancient alien or astronaut may not be classic, but as more and more evidence is coming forward, and people are turning to science and out of superstitions and ignorance, they have three choices (maybe more)of how to live, think, and read the Bible: 

1. Stay blissfully ignorant about science and stay believing in the "magic" of classically (or actually relatively recently) understood Christianity, and find yourself in a very intolerant, dogmatic and ignorant conservative, right wing and fundamental crowd. You will likely be embarrassed of most of them though, (like Westboro Baptist church, Chic-fil-A or the family of Duck Dynasty, etc.) to the point of denying identity with "those kind of Christians", saying that they are not "true Christians".

2. They could also believe that the "ignorant bronze age nomads" wrote pretend stories/myths in the Bible, just for fun. Would it then be a coincidence when the stories overlap with other cultures of the world or did they have contact with each other for thousands of years? Also, when evidence comes up that the biblical "myths" actually happened, some just ignore or excuse away these things that might give credit to parts of the Bible, and call themself an Atheist. 

 3. Get a broad (historically, scientifically, genetically based) understanding of all the myths of the world's gods. This could lead to a understanding that the world's religious texts having their origins with the "gods" of the first civilization, the Sumerians. The word god was first translated as "ilu" which means "tall men". The word was first used in the Sumerian text and spoke of only a specific group called the "Annunaki," an advanced alien race that came from the "Heavens" or sky.

So, if you translate the Bible's "God" as "alien" or "Astronaut" basically, "Heaven" as "sky", "cloud" as "space ship", "God's children" as the Annunaki's genetically manipulated children made in their image known to us as "Neanderthals" (which BTW were most likely red-headed and light-skinned). Source

It seems that the cultures of most first world countries, including America, are seeing the first option of fundamentalism as wrong, and immoral, and its adherents are under great pressure (they would claim "persecution") to change their narrow-mindedness or leave mainstream society (like taking to the woods or dropping social media).

The next option of Atheism is getting to be popular; it's growing by leaps and bounds. The fastest growing "religion" in the world is in fact "none." Most of those leaving are the generation of the internet and the ones getting an education. No doubt this trend will continue in first world countries and among the literate and well off. . .but, in throwing out the immorality, prejudice and anciently held beliefs of religion, could they have thrown out the baby with the bathwater?

 In a similar way as the conservative Christians are unteachable and bigoted, not to mention judgmental with their quoting of the Bible to say that the Atheists are "fools", sadly, in defense of themselves Atheists (even like me) often find themselves quoting the (very legitimate) stats of how smart and educated with Bible knowledge Atheists are as a rule, compared to Christians. In essence, though Atheists have the evidence to back them, they often rub that in the faces of the Christians as to say, "Christianity and the Bible is all wrong, and you are a fool for believing what you do." That is slightly presumptuous about a lot of things and also bigoted and judgmental. . .even if justifiably so.

So, what if we chose the last as both a compromise and the morally best choice? What if instead of judging and presuming people are fools, we tried to understand one another, and the part of the puzzle they see. We could take the Bible as a slightly messed up history book, as it's always been taken by past generations and not that the people writing it were idiots, or evil, but sometimes just using the knowledge and culture of the time as is typical with every ancient history book. . .could the ancient alien theory be the perfect way to bring two violently opposing views to a more holistic and accurate compromise? I'm excited to think that acceptance of this theory may be close to accepted in the mainstream mind now:

  • The Catholic church, 50% of Christians in the world by the latest count, have stated that "There could be alien life forms and believing they exist isn't contradictory to having faith in God," and that an alien would be our "extraterrestrial brother".
  • Fox news, the brain child of the Christian right wing, has covered a recent UFO sighting over the dome of the rock. As flying over the Dome of the Rock landmark -- an ancient Islamic shrine -- is forbidden, and it was filmed by 4 different cameras from different locations, this is very hard to prove as a hoax. Former Ministry of Defense UFO investigator Nick Pope said: "If these are real, they are some of the most incredible videos ever shot. If they are not, then this is a very well-planned and coordinated hoax designed to eliminate elements of doubt." Also stating, " . . .it is one of the most advanced pieces of technology created by man." As cool as that, and the other recent world media coverage of the increased UFO action in the last few years, as well as the disclosure of numerous of the world's governments on OFO's, like:
(Click on Country for Source)

1. Argentina
2. Australia
3. Brazil
4. Canada
5. Chile
6. China
7. Denmark
8. Finland
9. France
10. Germany
11. India
12. Ireland
13. Japan
14. Mexico
15. New Zealand (Additional Report)
16. Peru
17. Russia
18. Spain
19. Sweden
20. Ukraine (not in English)
21. United Nations
22. United Kingdom
23. Uruguay
24. Vatican City

25. including Former officials of ours It's just a matter of time and our full government will have to admit to and hand over what they know about the aliens and UFO's. (A lot!)

The most amazing thing to me is not that we are starting to admit seeing UFO's and aliens, but that many are saying that they may be the Hebrew God Elohim, or Jesus coming back! (Or maybe they were always near by. . .) Fox news's statement after seeing the UFO over the Dome of the Rock was, "Is he back?" Source

Hey, this is what I've been saying now for months! Check out my series here. (Maybe my Fox news watching extended family will listen to me now.) I am just waiting for an Alien lovers translation of the Bible to come out, using the Sumerian text to help decipher the true meaning of the Old Testament from the earlier and original stories. . .which would consequently throw out much of the New testament, which was based in presumptions, misquoting the Old testament and oral traditions over hundreds of years, (all founded in misunderstandings and exaggerations about the ancient aliens. . . ) but that's ok with me. Bring it on!