- First off, we all know how much we need our greens to be healthy. . . Sadly, we either don't have the time, or we just often don't like eating many cups of salads a day.Enter, my first star of the day:
- Chlorophyll
Chemically, chlorophyll is almost identical to hemoglobin - the substance which transports oxygen from the Lungs to the tissues of the body. Out of about 50 atoms in the compound, only two are different. The benefits of chlorophyll fall into three main categories, purifying, anti-inflammatory, and renewal."
- Purifying: Chlorophyll has an anti-bacterial effect on wounds, and an anti-yeast effect in the digestive tract. It appears to counteract many toxins in the body.
- Inflammation: It has the effect of reducing inflammation. Thus it can be used to help counteract the effects of arthritis, stomach ulcers, bladder infections, sore throats, and other inflammatory conditions.
- Renewal: It builds blood - after all, it is almost identical to hemoglobin (see above); it helps promote intestinal flora, and assists Liver cleansing.
Whenever a vegetable is cooked long enough to cause a change in color from bright green to olive-gray, we know that some of the chlorophyll in the vegetable have been lost. This color change is one of the reasons we have established the relatively short steaming times for green vegetables in the Healthiest Cooking techniques! Consumption of these green vegetables in raw form is also an excellent way to obtain the health benefits of chlorophyll."
- Taken from: http://www.alternative-healthzine.com/html/0500_2_3.html
- Raw Honey
This is another yummy and easy remedy to take. It is even better mixed with things like honey suckle! Like the saying "Just a spoon full of sugar makes the medicine go down", I tend to use honey to help diced garlic go down or the like. But why would you take it besides just for the taste you ask? Well, let me tell you a little bit about it.
First off, most of the honey found in the supermarket is not raw honey but "commercial" regular honey, which has been pasteurized and filtered. When honey is heated, its delicate aromas, yeast and enzymes which are responsible for activating vitamins and minerals in the body system are partially or completely destroyed. Just as raw vegetables are preferable because of their nutritional content, the same is true of honey. In fact, pasteurized honey is equivalent to and just as unhealthy as eating refined sugar.
Honey contains ingredients similar to those found in fruits, which become alkaline in the digestive system. It doesn't ferment in the stomach though as most (or all) other foods. Raw honey is the healthiest choice of honey as it has the most nutritional value and contains amylase, an enzyme concentrated in flower pollen which helps predigest starchy foods. (Doesn't that just make you want some honeybutter with some cornbread? Yummy!)
So what are the benefits? Well, honey
- has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-fungal properties.
- It promotes body and digestive health,
- is a powerful antioxidant,
- strengthens the immune system,
- eliminates allergies,
- is an excellent remedy for skin wounds
- helps all types of infections.
- stabilizes blood pressure,
- balances sugar levels,
- relieves pain,
- calms nerves,
- treats ulcers.
- is an expectorant
- instantly boosts performance,
- boosts endurance and reduces muscle fatigue of athletes.
- possesses carcinogen-preventing properties
- possesses anti-tumor properties,
- functions as an anti-inflammatory agent, ( reducing both swelling and pain),
- helps prevent scarring.
- cures yeast infections,
- cures athletes foot,
- helps arthritis pain
- helps cleanse and heal wounds, burns and cuts
- helps soothe sore throats, can also kill certain bacteria that causes the infection.
- helps you sleep, add 1 or 2 teaspoons of honey to a cup of chamomile tea and sip.
Now that you can see how great the raw honey is, you will be looking for it right? Unfortunately it can be a little confusing with honey comb, creamed honey and liquid honey all being available as raw. So with all the different types, which is best? Well, there is a good resource I've found online that will answer questions better then me; I just wanted to whet your mouth a little for the greatness of honey. Here it is:http://www.benefits-of-honey.com/which-honey-to-buy.html
- tea tree oil
Tea tree oil is Analgesic, antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antiseptic, antiviral, decongestant, deodorant, diaphoretic, expectorant, fungicidal, immune stimulant, insecticide, vulnerary. It could be lumped with many beneficial herbs, but it isn't technically a herb, is a relative of the eucalyptus tree, and thus quite strong smelling. Tea tree is native to Australia, where aborigines have long used its leaves to treat wounds and infections. It isn't to be confused with the tree that produces leaves for tea. Tea tree oil should always be used topically, and is not meant for consumption-consuming even small amounts of this substance may be fatal.( I had a baby amazingly guzzle some once, but he thankfully threw it up quickly, and acted normal after that.) So keep it away from children!
The benefits of Tea tree oil include:
- cures abscesses and acne,
- helps heal blisters,
- takes away warts,
- cures thrush on mom, ( I wouldn't suggest it for in a baby's mouth as it tastes horrible and isn't safe)
- cures vaginal yeast infections
- cures fungal infections like athletes foot
- relieves insect bites and stings,
- helps heal sunburn and rashes
- a bit on some cotton helps ear infections,
- takes away cold sores,
- helps immune system deficiencies and infectious illnesses,
- cures tooth and gum infections, but only rinse with it. (I personally would rather use Hydrogen peroxide though.)
In a bath it helps: fever, UTI's, dandruff, fungal infections, vaginal infections, viral infections, candida, chicken pox, wounds and large surface burns.
Tea tree makes a great addition to most skin care products. A simple way to use it is adding the oil to aloe vera gel. Add a couple of drops to shampoo to treat dandruff, or mix with an equal amount of water for an astringent toner or anti-fungal. Tea tree oil is an active ingredient in a number of commercial and homemade recipes for scrubs, soaps, washes, shampoos, lotions, and toners. However, some people find tea tree oil to be irritating to their skin. It has also been reported to worsen eczema, and to cause vaginal irritation in some women, due to an allergic reaction. So like with anything new to you, try it diluted and in an inconspicuous place first. A good place to buy herbs and stuff like this is here:http://www.mountainroseherbs.com
- Himalayan salt
These nutrients are the same elements originally found existing in the "primal ocean" where they theorize that all life originated, so it would then be logical that they are the same elements our bodies needs for good health. (And they are.)
In the past pregnant woman were told to restrict salt, and still those with pregnancy hypertension and edema are often still told to restrict it. Pregnancy increases progesterone. Progesterone increases the sodium content of urine, so more sodium than usual is lost by women during pregnancy. (Maybe that has something to do with the common salt cravings. . .)
In the past pregnant woman were told to restrict salt, and still those with pregnancy hypertension and edema are often still told to restrict it. Pregnancy increases progesterone. Progesterone increases the sodium content of urine, so more sodium than usual is lost by women during pregnancy. (Maybe that has something to do with the common salt cravings. . .)
We have known that pregnant cows need an added nutrient rich whole salt for hundreds of years or more, and yet we tell human mothers to restrict it! Why the confusion?
Processing salt turns it into sodium chloride, an unnatural salt the human body actually sees as a toxic invader! Table Salt -- Industrial Sodium Chloride!
What is sold as table salt for us to eat is actually a product of industrial production.
About 93 percent of salt production worldwide is used directly for industrial purposes. It is essential to make products such as laundry detergent, varnish, plastics and other products.
For these industrial uses, chemical processes require pure sodium chloride. To obtain sodium chloride, all the essential minerals and trace elements are removed from natural salt and discarded as impurities. (Even sea salt in somewhat processed BTW.)
The body cannot dispose of sodium chloride in a natural, healthy way, so that leads to inflammation of the tissues, water retention and high blood pressure. Your body will use the water in your cells to neutralize the sodium chloride. One ounce of table salt retains seven pounds of water in the body! It draws moisture from our skin and dehydrates our bowel contents worsening digestion or even causing constipation. This can lead to cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as kidney and gallbladder stones. Even the taste will irritate your tongue, cause excessive thirst, and actually make you crave more of it!
The body cannot dispose of sodium chloride in a natural, healthy way, so that leads to inflammation of the tissues, water retention and high blood pressure. Your body will use the water in your cells to neutralize the sodium chloride. One ounce of table salt retains seven pounds of water in the body! It draws moisture from our skin and dehydrates our bowel contents worsening digestion or even causing constipation. This can lead to cellulite, rheumatism, arthritis, gout, as well as kidney and gallbladder stones. Even the taste will irritate your tongue, cause excessive thirst, and actually make you crave more of it!
Our Bodies Contain a Living Sea, the same salty liquid as that of the "primal ocean"--a fluid consisting of water and salt. This flows through more than 56,000 miles of waterways and blood vessels, regulating and balancing the functions of our bodies.
To replenish this ocean, our bodies need natural salt. While our bodies require only 0.007 ounces of whole, natural salt per day (that's about 1/25th of a teaspoon), we could eat sodium chloride--with only two of the eighty-four essential elements--all day long and still be deficient of the nutrients we need from real salt. When we eat sodium chloride, it contains none of the nutrients our bodies need.
So in that way, nutrient-deficient sodium chloride makes our bodies crave real, natural salt! Craving the nutrients found in natural salt, we eat more and more sodium chloride, thinking that it will help, but it only sets up a vicious cycle that results in more and more cravings.
So, the more you salt your food, the saltier you want your food to be and the more likely you are to crave salty foods. It's a vicious cycle. People claim that there are many causes of craving salt, because a lot of things can cause you to need more (often because of excreting more), like:
- Addison’s disease (decreased production of hormones by the adrenal glands)
- dehydration (loss of body fluids and electrolytes, which can be life threatening when severe and untreated)
- electrolyte imbalance
- pregnancy
- illness
- mineral deficiency
- adrenal exhaustion
your really need a good salt!
The health benefits of using natural Himalayan Crystal Salt may include:
- Controlling the water levels within the body, regulating them for proper functioning
- Promoting stable pH balance in the cells, including the brain.
- Encouraging excellent blood sugar health
- Aiding in reducing the common signs of aging
- Promoting cellular hydroelectric energy creation
- Promoting the increased absorption capacities of food elements within the intestinal tract
- Aiding vascular health
- Supporting healthy respiratory function
- Lowering incidence of sinus problems, and promoting over-all sinus health
- Reducing muscle cramps
- Increasing bone strength
- Naturally promoting healthy sleep patterns
- Creating a healthy libido
- In combination with water, it is necessary for blood pressure regulation
- Prevents cellulite, when compared to table salt
- Reduces chances of developing rheumatism, arthritis and gout, when compared to common chemically-treated salt
- Reduces chances of developing kidney and gall bladder stones when compared to common chemically-treated salt
- Rejuvenating
- Bathing,
- Replenishing the Skin,
- Drinking Therapy,
- Flavoring Food